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commando AC are so ugly


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id think it would not be that hard to allow gunny commandos to use BR . the AC are so ugly and we can already weld them .gunny is just nrfted if we do Iv never understood why you'd would allow us to use a weapon that striped are ability's

even if it was to much work the strip the requires AC from the ability's . you could just replace them the same as mid crush ,fully auto ....


sorry for the grammar

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This has pretty much been asked for since the launch of the game. Lots of people have wanted to use different weapons for their class, Commando being close to the top of the list. Unfortunately they simply refuse to budge on it. Something about it being "technically very challenging" and "the classes wouldn't be as defined" :rolleyes:
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I can understand not letting a Jedi use a BP but mando trooper can already use a blaster rifle I not a master code writer but deleting "requires AC" don't sound to hard but if it is a swop out like they have done many times would get it done as well

or Just fix the look of AC and the stance . If you remove the AC troopers are mad air guitar players

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The general consensus back from launch was that you could heal just as fine with a Rifle as you could with a Cannon, because the Cannon only affected DPS ranges. Heck, nowadays with the removal of the cunning/aim difference, the fact that most if not all weapons endgame are adaptive/custom, and the removal of tech/ranged as seperate stats you should be able to do it easier. Ofc, that could be subject to change.
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In point of fact, Gunnery can be played with a rifle - all you really lose access to is Hail of Bolts for AoE, though there is a loss of weapon damage. Combat Medic healing is completely unaffected by choice of weapon, though you would lose some off-DPS capability by using a rifle and not a cannon (no HoB or Charged Bolts).
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I play gunnery with a blaster rifle and unless you wanna min/max for ranked warzones the difference is pretty minimal. Plus your trooper looks so much better fighting ranged with a blaster rifle, IMO.


What they need to do is just add some modifiers to the AC-only abilities for use with rifles. Make it so that AC abilities can be used with a rifle but do less damage, consume less ammo, and recharge more quickly. Balance it out so the DPS is equal between the two weapons per ability.


Oh, and for the love of pete, please give trooper Stockstrike back. Really, really miss that ability on my commando.

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What they need to do is just add some modifiers to the AC-only abilities for use with rifles. Make it so that AC abilities can be used with a rifle but do less damage, consume less ammo, and recharge more quickly. Balance it out so the DPS is equal between the two weapons per ability.


How on Earth can you ran out of Cells as Gunnery? It's impossible.


Sorry, guys but I have serious problem. I can't get this to look ugly no matter what I try.


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How on Earth can you ran out of Cells as Gunnery? It's impossible.


It is, in fact, possible. If you're bad. Neglecting Hammer Shots/Reserve Cell/Recharge Cells/Supercharge Cells for pure Grav Round spam will hurt your regen and put you into an empty ammo bar pretty quickly; tested it awhile ago, something like under a minute if you're not managing things.


Sorry, guys but I have serious problem. I can't get this to look ugly no matter what I try.



Agreed. :rak_03:

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How on Earth can you ran out of Cells as Gunnery? It's impossible.


I don't and that's not what I was saying in that post at all.


What I meant was to slightly modify the damage and CD of an ability based on whether or not the user has a rifle or AC in their hands. So one could play with all abilities with either weapon type but there would be small differences.


What make sense to me, and it may not to you, would be to have rifles do less alpha but more sustained while ACs do more alpha and less sustained. This would look like ACs doing more damage, longer CD, and rifles with less damage, shorter CDs. But DPS would remain the same either way.


The weapon type itself modifies certain parameters of the ability.

Edited by Cavadus
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