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New-ish player looking for active guild


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Hey I'm a fairly new player to the Swtor world and MMO's period been playing for about 2 months and have loved every minute so far, just finishing up the story on my first character ( jedi consular shadow) got one chapter of Kotet left. I was thinking of joining a guild here soon and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations, i would prefer not to join a PVP heavy guild as i have 0 experience in PVP and don't want to be holding any one back that being said i am more then willing to learn if there is willing teachers. I am currently wearing full Mandalorian clansmen armour fully modded with level 65 mods and would prefer not to have to change my armour for a guild (someone on chat told me last night i would need to be willing to change it to join his guild). If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to message me on here or my character name on Begeren Colony is eddy nosmah if you perfer in game thanks in advance.
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Sith Praxium guild is recruiting, we are a PvE / Ops / Conquest guild. We never tell any member to change how they run or gear their toons. If interested please look at my post on the guild recruitment page and see more about us.



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