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Sith Warrior Fanfiction - SPOILER ALERT


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To anyone interested in fan-fiction regarding the original eight class stories of SWTOR, including the latest expansions ranging from RotHC to the most recent KotET,


I will be starting a Sith Warrior fan-fiction thread as my first thread, in a journal style of writing, detailing the events of each quest/entry from the Warrior's point of view. In time, I will include other threads about the other seven classes, plus fan-fiction surrounding the post level 50 expansions such as KotFE or KotET.


Please comment about my fanfiction on this thread, to agree with, or disagree with my interpretation of the Sith Warrior storyline, as I am open to discussion.


If you do happen to view this thread, thank you for the time you take out to read my fanfiction. :)

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Korriban Trials :csw_redsaber:


Entry One:

Today I arrived on Korriban, the barren and desolate home world of the Sith. I am heir to a great Sith Bloodline; I began by trials today, relishing in the power of the dark side. This planet fuels me with passion, and I hunger to learn the secrets of my kin.


My designated Overseer, ‘Overseer Tremel’ has warned me of a powerful acolyte called Vemrin who will try to keep me from my trials, make an enemy of me, and eventually kill me; if this Sith-in-training is as strong as Overseer Tremel deems him to be, then I look forward to the challenge of this potential rivalry, and the burdens and scars I hope come with it. Tremel has also promised me, that should I follow orders, he will make me one of the most powerful acolytes to roam the Korriban academy; I cannot wait to wreak havoc, create carnage, and carve my name into the walls of the sacred place.


My first trial is to be one of combat and retrieval, one of my favorite types; I am to defeat native K’lor Slugs in the tomb of Ajunta Pall, as I make my way to an ancient enclave, where there I should find a special Sith Warblade for my use, as the pathetic practice blade I arrived with, shall certainly not suffice. On that, I agree with Overseer Tremel.


Now, I set out on my first ever trial for the prestigious Sith Academy; it should not be long before I bloody my weapon with the insides of the tomb’s beasts, and return to Tremel with the success of the mission.

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Entry Two:

I returned from my trial within the tomb of Ajunta Pall to Overseer Tremel’s chambers, and in the adjacent corridors, I met the face of my nemesis, Vemrin. Vemrin does not seem as powerful as the Overseer implies; for one, as I found out later via Tremel, he is mixed blood, an unruly thing that is plaguing the mass of the academy’s hopefuls. When he and I spoke in the antechamber, he had an ally with him called Dolgis -a brute of an animal- who rhetorically asked Vemrin why can’t we ‘just kill her and hide the body’; the disrespect that ran through his lackey fueled me with hate, and filled me with rage. The next time I saw Dolgis, I would end his miserable existance. Yet, it just got better from there; Vemrin’s response sickened me, ‘We’re not on Balmorra anymore… there are rules’, two idiotic invaders, I thought, corrupting and polluting our Sith Academy, and to think they trained as young force sensitives, in a core world’s system! The impudence. Vemrin and Dolgis must be killed, especially Vemrin, -not for their rivalling and threatening power, but for ‘the invisible rot eating away at the foundation of the Empire’, that resembles Vemrin incarnate.


However, unfortunately Overseer Tremel told me that Vemrin ‘has caught the eye’ of a dark lord of the Sith named ‘Lord Baras’; so, my goal will be to claim his spot as an aspiring apprentice to this Sith Lord through a demonstration of my power to beat Vemrin to the prize, humiliate him, and eventually execute him, simply for his impurity, let alone the consequences his success among the Sith would be put in place. It is despicable to think about it. Vemrin believes ‘I don’t know the enemy (I’m) making’, but I don’t think he knows the enemy he is making. I will be the death of him.


The second trial that my Overseer has tasked me with completing, is one of interrogation and judgement, of the academy’s captives. Oh, I am going to enjoy this trial very much. Torturing prisoners is one of my favorite past-times; now just where did I put my warblade…

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Entry Three:

The three victims which I faced upon the completion of my second trial were pitiful; the first was a bounty hunter accused of attempted murder on an Imperial Spy. She claimed she was innocent, unaware of her employer, or even that the target was Imperial; yet, the risk of her lying would be too much to chance not executing her where she stood. I could feel the disrespect radiate off her; that was more than enough for me to draw my blade. However, Overseer Tremel disagreed with my actions; he thought that she could have been spared, even just for ‘personal profit’. Tremel believed it foolish of me to have wasted a ‘potential resource’; but what good is a resource, if it is an unreliable resource?


The second prisoner I judged was a disgrace, a failed Sith with the mark of such failure stained upon his ‘sad, weathered face’ as depicted by Jailer Knash. I won’t bother to acknowledge his name; he seemed to think that decades of loyal service would be enough for the Sith to have forgiven his ‘one mistake’.


If he was truly Sith, he would know that Sith do not forgive. He begged me to feel ‘the weight of a weapon in his hands’ once more; I let him feel the weight of a weapon in his throat, just as the failed Sith deserved. The last captive I laid my hands on, was a despicable, disgusting alien which looked like he had his brain located on the outside of his head, rather than on the inside; the worm’s huttese was swill enough for me, let alone his extremely off-putting physical makeup. I would have killed the pest, but I think it’s better to just leave him to rot in his cell for the rest of his disgraceful life. I can’t even remember what he was charged with, but just being alien, is more than enough for me to lock him up for life.


Overseer Tremel agreed with my last two judgements however, and that satisfied me. Although he doesn’t believe me ready to impress Lord Baras, his next trial is surely one that will test me to my limits. It will prove to Tremel exactly why he chose me as his acolyte, why he forced me into the academy ahead of schedule, and why I will be the one to destroy Vemrin, and become Lord Baras’ apprentice.


In my third trial, I will be tasked with defeating a mighty beast that guards the resting place of Marka Ragnos; it will take the full power of the dark side to complete this quest, but the more challenging, the better.

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Entry Four:


Today I slew the beast that guarded the grave of Marka Ragnos; the sheer power of the dark side radiated through the place, and when I engaged the animal, it was like fighting death incarnate. The enormity of what took place was surreal, yet it did not phase me. I knew that I was destined to be a holder of power, my ancestry being one of the purest among the Sith.


When I returned to Overseer Tremel, before I could enter his sanctum, I found myself face-to-face with Dolgis, Vemrin’s lackey. He and I fought in hand-to-hand combat, and I was more than a match for the imbecile who dared to attack me; he begged like a coward for mercy, but he should know not to expect such things from a Sith. It gave me great pleasure to fulfill the promise I made to myself, ending Dolgis’ wasted life, ending his pathetic existence; soon, Vemrin would be next.


My prayers had been answered, as Tremel debriefed me on what had transpired in my absence; apparently, there had been a tremor in the force as the result of what happened in the tomb of Marka Ragnos, and Lord Baras had felt that tremor. Overseer Tremel bade me rush to Lord Baras’ chambers on the second floor of the Sith Academy, and no matter how unprepared I was, I would have to face Lord Baras ‘or die’. Today I get the chance to meet Lord Baras, finally, and show him just how much better of an Apprentice I would be than Vemrin.

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