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Progress (CXP, Tokens, Credits) from Last Night Gone


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Hi everyone,

I am wondering if anyone else has ran into something like this. This is one of the biggest bugs I've had playing MMOs. Anyway, last night I played for a while and made a lot of progress in various thing: I ranked up my Commander rank to 17, I earned a few lightside tokens, and I earned quite a few credits from weekly heroics. However, I logged in today and it appears as if all of my progress is lost. My character command rank has been reduced from 17 to 15, two of my lightside tokens are gone, and my credits have been reduced by a quarter million. This is very disheartening for me, as I have put a lot of time into getting the tokens in particular. It is also worth noting that my character was not int eh same place where I logged out: I logged out on the fleet, but wound up back on Hoth when I logged in today. Anyone else having these problems?

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