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Veteran Chapter 2: Run for the Shadows - This boss fight HAS to be a bug


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Call this a rant or whatever, but I've officially given up on this.




The adds are able to channel abilities and jump around the room EVEN WHEN THEY'RE STUNNED

The boss has the ability to cast multiple things at once.


When he jetpacks into the air to channel a series of Fire Grenade... things, he's still activating abilities such as Rail Shot, Grapple, Charge and Aimed Shot, EVEN WHEN HE IS CHANNELING ANOTHER ABILITY


Ability named "Hail of Bolts" is a cone aoe attack that has a 30m range, well this skill can also strike you even when his back is turned and basically 1 shots your companion.

Every attack he does stuns you, and he has a very annoying tendancy to pull you... stunned, knockback... stunned... charge... stunned


If this is your idea of a Veteran difficulty I think you should handle the pandemic currently ongoing in your dev team before you think of making new content.

Because this boss is not only impossible to kill, he literally breaks the game.

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