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Lore Friendly, Traditional Jedi Robes


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Thank you for adding the Apprentice Pummeler MK-2 robes. This is a great start towards giving us great, classic looking Jedi robes without all the extra shoulder pads and non-jedi looking stuff attached! But can you please make this available to characters who have already completed their Tython class missions? Many of us have wanted an Orgus Dinn's armor equivelenet (without shoulder pads etc.) for a very, very long time and it would be great to have access to this armor on an established toon.


Also - are their plans to give us more traditional/ lore friendly Jedi robes? As one poster in another thread also mentioned, Prequel style Jedi Robes (think Obi and Anikan in Episode III) would also be very appreciated by many of us!


I know there are other threads with this topic - but none of them were recent. I wanted to get the conversation started again!


For those of you looking for the classic style robes, some to consider in the meantime are:

- Relnex Armor Set

- Jolee Bindo Armor Set

- Vrook Armor Set (unfortunately has shoulder pads - but they're not huge)


Using various combinations of brown dye works to great effect on all of the above.


Also, please reference this post from a while back.

Thank you Bioware!

Edited by Jofen
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