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Harbinger Rollback and bugs


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SO around 3am mst I started having issues with connectivity. Was finally able to log in and started an OP. traveled to my guildship for adrenals and noticed all of my legacy gear including offhand and main hand where no longer equipped on my character sheet, however the mainhand sniper riffle is still visually on my toon http://imgur.com/a/BUOLB


logged out and onto another toon to find them outside of the imperial guildship standing on the hull. http://imgur.com/pc3YD15


logged into a third toon and noticed that she had lost 5 levels i did earlier in the day. but for some reason in the guild window it still lists her as 70 while she is 65 in reality. http://imgur.com/T3hVPuF


Wrote a ticket waiting for response ......... /sigh

Edited by akimal
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