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Few Bugs - Player ship and NPCs


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I have started chapter 3 I think. On that topic, I really wish the chapters would not automatically continue. Give a break between chapters and let us decide when to start the new one by talking to one of the NPCs.


But back to my main topic:


1) I was standing in front of Sana-Rae when I clicked the Alliance Alert to begin the mission to acquire Guss. Clicking the alert zoned me to the beginning of the room and Sana disappeared. Logging out and back in fixed it but I still don't think she should disappear and cause me to do a round-about fix to continue.


2) I have not seen Hylo Viz since she met me in the hanger for one of the earlier Alliance Alerts. I don't remember which one but she has been missing ever since. I believe she was standing in the spot that now has Shae. I tried to log out and back in but that does not fix this. I would like to turn in the Alliance Alert for the Talz but can't until she gets off her rather long break or maybe she's been captured by Republic loyalists.


3) After the round-about fix for talking to Sana-Rae, I received the mission to talk to Blizz. Blizz wants to go to the Smuggler Moon. This has caused a problem. I went out to get into my ship and, well, it's been replaced by the Zakuul ship stolen by Koth. At first, I thought this was cool and I got a new ship for a while to fly around in. But I can't find an entrance to the ship and when I go up the loading ramp, I clip through the hull. This is on Odessen by the way.



4) It seems Aygo is missing as well. Provost Marshal something Rusk will have to wait in a holding pattern in orbit for a while I guess.

Edited by Keraejis
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