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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Got "Chapter I" quest together with "Chapter X"


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Just want to ask, is it normal that I`ve recived a "Chapter I" quest together with "Chapter X" of the KOTFE??

It happened just after I`ve finished my allience stuff and hit "Launch Chapter X" in my quest log today. The brand-new-chapter-selector-thig was kinda laggy, btw, spent 3-4 attempts before button was acctually pressed.


If it`s not normal, how do I can get rid of it? Just affraid that it could corrupt my current "story" somehow...



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It's either what Dragondog said or that you may have accidentally pressed Shift+e and granted the mission for chapter 1 again, regardless it shouldn't change your story in any way, just uncheck it or abandon it if possible.


Hope I was of help!

Kind Regards.


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