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Im not sure but i think you guys are talking about doing KOTFE as level 66 and higher, well please note that KOTFE is for level 60-65, if you are above 66 you get reduced xp just like when you got +7 xp for old class missions when you were overleveled.


If you want to get proper XP you need to do KOTET from level 66 onwards!! I was doing the trick with finishing chapter 9 3x in order to get to level 67 and a half (not turning in the mission) but after you get over level 66 the xp gain drops to your mentioned level as you are overleveled for the content.


has nothing to do with your level. had 4 toons lvl 62 to 64 and all 4 received reduced XP. response to my tickets was its a bug and will be fixed in the future

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has nothing to do with your level. had 4 toons lvl 62 to 64 and all 4 received reduced XP. response to my tickets was its a bug and will be fixed in the future


I dont know but from what I have experienced it does make sence. For example you can go and do chapter 9 from KOTFE which takes 6 min and is just talking to ppl and get over 1 mil xp for it. I would say in order not to abuse this there are meassures in the game setup so that you dont farm xp this way!


As for customer support there are many incompetent people there and mostly what i do is keep writing a ticket till i get a competent person who can answer it. I REALLY had more cases where i asked about something and got 4 negative replies and then the 5th was positive and it was the same ticket, over and over!!

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As soon as I hit 65 in SOR it started happening to my trooper. However, I noticed that I was mostly getting the right amount on my yellow bar but the purple was not right.

The purple fly text has always been wrong if the actual experience award is over 65535, since it, in effect, takes the remainder after dividing by 65536. (That's not how it does it, but that's the effect.) It's most noticeable at (a) very large true awards and (b) amounts just over multiples of 65536, like, say, 140,000, which shows up as just under 9000 in the fly text.

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