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Cannot play KoTFE/KoTET content


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I cannot play the KoTFE/KoTET content because it will not give me the mission to start this content.


My Sith Juggernaut is level 65.


I cannot complete "Rise of the Hutt Cartel" because the "Descent into the Core" mission on Makeb is hopelessly bugged and BW will not fix it.


I completed all of "Shadow of Revan".

I completed all of the evil Emperor on Ziost chain.

I even completed all of the HK-51 assassin droid quests.


I want to start the KoTFE/KoTET content but it is not available on my mission terminal. It will only offer me the Dread Master quests on Omicron which I do not want to play (This toon is level 65 already ... and should have been allowed to play the KoTFE/KoTET by now, but it has never been offered. Yes I am a subscriber, and have have been for quite some time.)


I have the mission for Ilum which I outleveled LONG ago, and it will not let me abandon.

It also will not let me abandon the Makeb mission line, even though it is impossible to complete.


So HOW CAN I PLAY THE KoTFE/KoTET content from this point ???


If I am not allowed to play the game content, then I see no reason to keep subscribing to a game that refuses me access to the content that I am paying for.


(I have previously completed the KoTFE content on another character.)

Edited by Silvafox
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Thank you very much.


Its well hidden, especially for those of us who have done it before from the mission terminal. As well ... at the end of the Ziost chain it specifically told me to go to my "mission terminal" in order to start the KoTFE/KoTET missions.


Take care :)

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