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KotET's "Throne Speech"


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Fist of all, I think KotFE/ET -- and the latter in particular -- are extremely well-done. Save the bugs, of course. BioWare could probably up their game, so to speak, in that regard (Did they fix the Chapter XVI boss fight yet?). But needed polishing aside, KotET exceeded my expectations story-wise.


Just for the record, I'm not asking for any changes here. I'm not really asking anything, just expressing a sentiment. People have complained about the bipolar nature of choices in BioWare games, maybe add this to the list. With KotFE/ET, I feel that BioWare's writers set themselves up perfectly to break this trend for once, but ultimately failed to follow through. They had Jedi and Sith working together without ulterior motivations. An entire chapter dedicated to unifying Dark and Light side philosophies. They introduced the Knights of Zakuul, and entire order of neutral Force-users. I could go on. And yes, many of the Dark and Light side choices throughout KotFE/ET were definitely more nuanced than in the first three chapters of all the original class missions. So I was a bit disappointed in Chapter 9 when I guess they decided to break the theme with the "Throne Speech". Basically, you can either be the Pansy Republic 2.0 or the Eternal ******e dictator.


Wouldn't have been hard to add a third, neutral speech where, yes, you take the Eternal Throne as an emperor like the story had been setting you up for the entire time -- but you're not a total dick about it.


I mean, the cinematic that the speech plays over is basically the same for Dark and Light side speeches, so no, it wouldn't have been that hard.


My Sith Warrior's style felt very accommodated throughout these two expansions, but I must say that neither the Dark nor Light side speech which was intended to conclude what was otherwise a great story sounded right coming from my Warrior, and for that reason it didn't feel like a conclusion at all. I do hope that KotET was not the end, and that my Warrior will still be given the chance to define himself as something other than the one-dimensional despot I heard in the Dark side speech.


I actually cringed and hit Escape when I first chose the Dark side speech, then chose Light side and cringed even more -- and begrudgingly stuck with the Dark side speech.

Edited by Stultophobe
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A lot of the #3 choices felt odd. After Iokath there was an option for "set up scout patrols around Iokath" and I thought, yeah, we'd better have early warning if Scorpio tries something.


But the spoken dialogue was like "send ships to Iokath. That planet belongs to me!"


Nope. Not at all

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A lot of the #3 choices felt odd. After Iokath there was an option for "set up scout patrols around Iokath" and I thought, yeah, we'd better have early warning if Scorpio tries something.


But the spoken dialogue was like "send ships to Iokath. That planet belongs to me!"


Nope. Not at all


They send ships no matter what you say.


But yeah, here's a video for exactly what you're talking about. It's pretty funny --

Edited by Stultophobe
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