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FP/Uprising/Ops/Heroics CXP Now Worthless, HM Ops not worth the time

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For losing a warzone, I receive 500 CXP. Takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes.


From completing a SM operation, I receive maybe 700-800 CXP, 1k tops and it takes 45 minutes minimum.


We used to be able to get decent CXP from killing trash mobs but that is no longer the case. That was what made it almost worth it to do HM ops, since you got like 500 or 600 from killing the bosses. Takes way longer to kill a HM boss than to lose a WZ in current gear, and I suspect for some months yet, with the exception of people who are farming this.


I want to have fun playing this game. PVE group content is fun for me. A limited amount of PVP is fun. But 1 hour of unranked solo pvp gets me more CXP than 4 hours of group PVE content. That is killing this game.


I am not saying, by any means, that you need to nerf PVP. However, PVP and PVE should give equal amounts of CXP per time. According to Musco's own words, we are supposed to be earning 3-4 Command ranks per hour for the first 10-20 levels. I've got a friend who's maybe logged 50 hours so far this week, and he's command rank 30, playing the game as it is intended to be played and not exploiting, which was obviously where this completely unnecessary nerf came from.


Instead of applying wide-spectrum nerfs to ALL mobs, find the ones that people are exploiting and nerf those. Provide alternative ways for us to earn CXP that make it worth it. Because for completing an entire planet's worth of heroics, even if the bonus for completing it WERE working, I'd recieve maybe 600 CXP. Takes maybe 30-40 minutes with a full group. I can get at least 3 or 4 pvp matches done in that time. That's anywhere from 2000-2400 CXP.



Getting CXP at the current rate pretty much excludes players with actual lives from being able to do endgame pvp and pve content, because at the current, non-exploited rate, will take 200+ hours to reach command rank 300. Per character. That means that in order to say, experience multiple aspects of the game, we have to log hundreds of hours, weeks of our lives, into this game.


This is out of hand. We play this game because we can experience the wide variety of the game in a universe that we have grown up with. If we wanted to play a grind game like FFXIV or WoW we'd go play those games. We put up with slow content and technical issues because we love being able to experience the entirety of the game without devoting our lives. Please do something about this.

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+ 1 !

And now , gold PNJ give 1 point vs 10 points yesterday !

What are they doing ???

Last week, I was on darva Nim , and now, I do EV nm ???

I have 16 characters , how many times will I meet that *********** Soa , before having stuff enough to go on Nim raid again ?? When will I have last token piece for my stuff with this ****in' random system ???

Galactic command is big **** !! PUT the rank in LEGACY, once the character is 70 , give us 10 cxp for gold adds and operation content should give more cxp !!!

or you can return to 4.0 ! this works too !!

BW is about to loose players again..


ps : i'm french, excuse my poor english...

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+1 There is no point to do FPs Tac or Hm. You just aren't getting enough Command XP to justify doing. Better off doing do WZ that aren't fun because It just turns into a *****fest yes I'm not great a pvp but not aweful generally in the top half. Way to KILL PVE GROUP CONTENT.
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At this point the most important thing we can do is what PVPers have been doing for years, which is be incredibly active and vocal on the forums about when "enough is enough." Too long has the PVE community shrugged things off and been quieter than the PVP community, and it has to stop. We are as just as important an aspect of this game. I'm not just referring to group content like ops, but solo players as well. Doing content solo should not net you as much as group content, true, but no way should one be vastly inferior to another.


There are other, very viable ways of gaining CXP, but they all have weekly lockouts (heroics, eternal championship) but they are all ultimately inferior to PvP. And PvE group content is currently the *worst* way to earn command XP.


You guys made such a huge deal about these uprisings, but veteran mode is literally a joke, and gives almost no CXP. Maybe 300-500 for the entire thing. Again, takes longer than a WZ. If you want us to play your group content, don't make it impossible.


The gear curve right now is incredibly steep, with little-to-no reward.


I'd talk more about how the RNG factor of gearing but this is not the place. That deserves its own thread. For now we should focus on how group PVE content, which was supposedly the focus of this expansion, is dying due to the desire for BW to copy other more successful MMO's and turn them into pay-to-win grindfests.


I agree with the decision to make subscribing necessary for endgame content. I disagree with making us spend inordinate amounts of time doing things we may hate in order to be capable of doing what we love about this game.



By the way, if there are flaws in my logic or my math, please point them out. And if we keep this civil then maybe we'll get a response.


I say again the only way to get results is for everyone to let the Dev's know our displeasure is in a civil and eloquent manner. Because threatening to unsub hasn't worked for 5 years, so we have to try something new.

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While the cxp from ops is a bit underwhelming compared to warzones and ranked I think it's definitely worth it do to hm and nim ops right now because of the crafting schematics and materials drops.


My guild did about half of the hm ops and got most of the important 234 schematics and we lucked out on 240 lethal mod schematic from nim nefra.

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How are you getting 700 CXP for a whole raid? Every boss drops a box with 600 CXP in it. (300ish for EV/KP)


In my experience, most SM Op bosses only drop 300 CXP packs with the last boss dropping a 600 CXP box.


So, most five boss Operations, minus any Elite or Champ trash killed along the way, will net you about 2200 CXP (4*300 + 600 final boss + 400 weekly) for an hour, hour and a half of time.

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You guys made such a huge deal about these uprisings, but veteran mode is literally a joke, and gives almost no CXP. Maybe 300-500 for the entire thing. Again, takes longer than a WZ. If you want us to play your group content, don't make it impossible.

Depending on which Veteran Uprising you get, they can take a similar amount of time to complete as a warzone. I had a Civil War WZ that took about 30 minutes because both sides had multiple healers and nobody could cap anything. But yes, the CXP gains are certainly not proportionate and could use some adjustment.


As somebody who is into pvp and pve, I just want to be able to do whatever without thinking "aww man, I could be making CXP faster if I were doing that other thing." However, I have enjoyed how this has brought some life back to pvp. Queue pops on Harbinger have been awesome.

Edited by teclado
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And here we are again. They come out with new stuff and a new way/s, and so many likes it, so many hates it, nerf this, dont nerf that. IS there ever an equal ground, and if so, will it appease every one? I've been around since beta and not even after launch, can i recall a patch that came out that every one in the game was happy with, There has always been threads like this after every game patch, update, Expansion pack that has been out.


It is hard to read these threads some times cause its full of anger and hateful Criticism. Now BW wants good and constructive Criticism and i dont blame them for not listening some times at these threads. Express your criticisms, but do it in a nice none condescending way. Then they just might listen faster and take your ideas to heart.


Lets work with them not drive them away. is all i am saying.....


So i am sure i will receive some NICE Criticism for my sermon?


Take Care & Be Well.

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