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Shae Vizla


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I love Shae Vizla. She's great. EXCEPT I rushed her to 50 hoping to see her with comparable stats to Lana, or really ANY companion. She has 33400 Health at rank 50 influence, at level 70. For comparison, Lana has 130705 at Rank 50, level 70. Lana can also viably heal in heroic areas and switch to tank viably. Shae on the other hand gets obliterated by 2 silvers and 2 regular mobs, almost instantly.


I really feel as though her lack of viability is a bug, and should be looked at, along with the other bugs present in 5.0. I would like to use her and not feel like my millions of creds were wasted to get a companion that is worthless to 50.


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