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The Lore of “The Found One”.


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Contains Information about the Sith Sorcerer Story line.



The Lore of “The Found One”.

By Darth Plathu, The Vicious


Three centuries of Rattataki elders had passed before the birth of “The Found One” with no name, and Ja'cal Vanesuas, who would become the surrogate mother of the child which was found during the sacking of a planet, within the “Unknown Region”, identified only by its designation number, RLW-717. These events took place 22 years before the treaty of Coruscant, in an attempt to build the Sith Order, by the taking of slaves to be trained in the arts of the Dark Side of the Force.


Ja'cal, a Zabrak whom was for the most part an unknown, and spoken of, only in whispers as the original cause for the formation of “the Nightsisters” some three centuries later, a sect of “the Witches of Dathomir”. The usage of the dark arts is well known among the Force-driven wielders of their “Majicks”. Ja'cal had experienced the "Book of Law" which was the holy text of the Dathomiri. Rejecting this "Law of good and evil", Ja'cal became obsessed with not only drawing upon their power (although this practice was considered heretical), but actually finding, and physically communicating with the "Winged Goddess" and "Fanged God" to draw direct power, as well as commune with these deities to obtain immortal power which would encompass and surpass the superior power of all wielders of the Force.


The sacking of RLW-717 was part of an ongoing campaign started by the Sith Emperor, shortly after establishing the new Sith Empire on Dromund Kaas. This particular campaign was being overseen by Darth Ravage (as his first task assigned him by the Emperor himself), to prove his status as a Dark Council member was earned, and not given.


During the early evening of the fifth night in to the campaign, Ja’cal made camp, and prepared to meditate and seethe in the Force, to heal the wounds she had suffered that day. As she slipped in to a dark trance, she was stirred by the soft, sultry sounds of breath, slowly and labored as they were taken, in and out. These “breath sounds”, although not uncommon during meditation in the Force, were not the usual sounds, this was different. Ja’cal centered her focus, and then continued her meditation. The sounds of breathing were replaced by a rapid, rhythmic heartbeat. This also was not uncommon during meditation, but this was different, this was not her breath, this was not her beating heart, this was from somewhere, no, someone else!


Ja’cal attempted to break her trance and rise, but as she fought to stand, she heard a shriek so loud, that she, a Witch of the Dark Side, felt fear! Not just any fear, but a fear she had never experienced, except in the eyes of those whom had fallen to her mastery of the Dark Majicks, in slaughtering all that stood before her.






These words pounded in her head! These were thoughts so loud she swore they could be audibly heard. The more she resisted, the more entangled she became, and her will was finally seized, and in the Force she was carried across a plain, over a mountain, and in to the dark mist of a lakeside shore, where she saw the form of a small body, holding on to life that was being sustained wholly by the Force.


At this moment her trance was broken, and she was compelled more and more as she grew closer to the place she had seen in her vision. As she stood there, on the rocky bank, in the slow rising mist of the lake, she saw the infant. This child was brand new, just born, but something was not right, or natural about this child’s form. She was Rattataki in appearance, she was not covered, swaddled, nor wrapped in the cloth of a newborn child, and she was naked and cold. Ja’cal reached for the child, and with her touch to the pale soft skin, she saw the future, of all that will come after for the child, and all the lives that the child will touch, form, and take, without mercy. As she gathered the frail form from the cold, wet ground, she notices that the babe has no umbilical marking upon her belly.


“How could this be?” she thought, and softly said in a whisper.

“No mother?”


This, (in any other situation), would be wrong, and feared; however, she was at ease amidst her confusion.


“Do I take her?”

“ Do I hide her?”

“Do I dare claim her as my own?”


These thoughts permeated through her brain, her very flesh and bone. And before she could query all that is, once more, she hears a deep groaning voice that shakes her to her core, and it says,


“Raise her.”

“Nourish, and instruct her.”

“Let her touch, and see, the dark side of the Force”.

“Let her feel, and taste the power that brings death of any whom would oppose you”.

“From my flesh, blood, and rage, I have made her for my purpose alone”.

“At the passing of 18 years, you will bring her to Korriban, to me, she is mine, and she will be called, Nyx Mabaa, which will be known as the “Dark Souleater”, and none will be able to stand against her".

“She will be my child, my student, my...Darth Nox”.





Sith Sorcerer - Madness

Xians – Shadowlands Server

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