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Chapter 9 Boss Battle [SPOILERS]


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Well, I cancelled my sub and it runs out the 15th. I am a stroke survivor. Between issues with that and my medications I no longer have the "skill" to play through raid boss mechanics. I have not had any problems with story mode quests/instances in the game to this point. This is a deal breaker at this point.


If it is ever fixed I will be back to have fun like before. Everyone have fun, it is why we play video games.

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I actually found this fight to be pretty easy on story mode once I had it figured out. You can't go toe to toe with her, she's just too powerful for that. My trick was just to hit and run with my Sentinel. I would build up maybe 5-6 stacks of that 30 stack ability of hers i.e. smack her around 5-6 times, and then run looking for the memory of healing, grab one or two of them depending on how much she hurt me then just jump back in and pummel her some more and repeat until she had 30 stacks. Then I would run outside the area of the attack that was coming, let it go off and jump back in before she could jump to me and just repeat the cycle until she was dead. If you get stunned just use an ability to get out of it but use it sparingly and wisely i.e. if she stuns you but a memory of healing is just about to come to you don't break the stun, let the memory hit you and wait it out.


The hard part is not the fight but the length of the fight. It feels like the fight was meant to be more a test of your endurance, strategy, and focus rather than how much dps you have.

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Did on my 2nd try with my Gunslinger. 1st time I died cause I got knocked off the map.


Anyways whenever she uses her long channel ability just run under the stairs out of her sight or what not and it's prettt easy...



I mean if I can do it on a Gunslinger which relies on cover, should be easier on other, more mobile classes

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Well, I cancelled my sub and it runs out the 15th. I am a stroke survivor. Between issues with that and my medications I no longer have the "skill" to play through raid boss mechanics. I have not had any problems with story mode quests/instances in the game to this point. This is a deal breaker at this point.


If it is ever fixed I will be back to have fun like before. Everyone have fun, it is why we play video games.


I know the feeling... I have my right arm paralyzed after a stroke and those raid-style mechanics make it imposible for me to complete the mission. I simply can't react fast enough.

Vaylin needs to be toned down for story mode, keep her as tough fight for veteran mode.

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You just need place Vaylin into green sircles, they damaged very good and run from her, because your damage not enough for defeat her. Just run from her and place Vaylin in green sircles.

My Jedi Sentinel died every time when try defeat her in close distanse and try heal yourself in grin sircles. Her stuns and damage defeat me, but when i use these grin sircles to damage her and stun, it was enough to defeat her.

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