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(SPOILER) Knights of the Eternal Throne Game-Movie


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Hello all! I've been working on my youtube channel where I do game movies and I have just finished my latest one: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne.


Please bare in mind that if you haven't finished the latest expansion yet this contains massive story spoilers!




I would really like some feedback on this and look forward to your comments either on the video itself or here!


I'll be making more Star Wars Game Movies over the Christmas period so hang tight. :)

Edited by Erali
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I'm working on Smuggler next but I am a little concerned that the fact they are a non-force-user will make the whole 'being possessed by Valkorian' to seem a bit weird!


For those that have played through the KotFE and KotET storylines; how does it feel playing through quite a force-intense storyline?

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For those that have played through the KotFE and KotET storylines; how does it feel playing through quite a force-intense storyline?


As a Force-sensitive, or non-sensitive? I just finished my first run with a knight, and it make full sense. Any of the other classes will make less sense, and I would imagine it to be quite a stretch for the non-sensitives.

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For those that have played through the KotFE and KotET storylines; how does it feel playing through quite a force-intense storyline?


For me Sith Warrior or Jedi Knight have the most relevance for the KotFE and KotET storylines as these two classes have the most connection to Valkorion. Next would be the JC and SI.


It would feel to me really odd for a non force using class to play KotFE and KotET particularly the chapter where you create the special weapon to help beat Aracnn. That would really be a *** moment playing a non force using class. your millage may vary.

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Yeah I was pretty much under that assumption.


I will most certainly give making a game-movie of the Smuggler a go (even if it's just to see how they manage the fight scenes!).


I can well believe that a non-force-user could pull together the Alliance and lead it to victory but once holocrons and force ghosts start to become a thing it will begin to feel a little bit of a stretch. The point where it might fall flat on it's back is where Vaylin or Arcann draw their lightsaber to battle me, I draw my pistols and we are able to stand toe-to-toe... I mean, they could literally force-choke you there and then and you wouldn't be able to do a thing about it!

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Yes, that's exactly it. But, this is the Star Wars universe! One size fits all! :rolleyes:


No that's the writing staff lacking the creativity to come up with something that would you know WORK for the non force using classes. It's clear the game is on life support. At launch we had 8 separate class stories now we have a one generic story that doesn't even make sense when you play half the classes in the game. Someone somewhere dropped the ball and forgot to pick it back up.


Hell I don't even know HOW you'd make KotFE/KotET even work for a non force using classes in a way that would make at least some sense. I'm looking at you special weapon to beat Arcann chapter.

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Yeah like I said before, I have started a Smuggler with the intention of making another game-movie out of it. I'm not concerned about the class story and even all the way up to Shadow of Revan seems like any particular class would be fine taking the lead role.


I can see a Trooper, Smuggler, Agent and even Bounty Hunter forming the Alliance but as soon as it gets to Ziost and Knights of the Fallen Empire I can almost feel it fall apart...


If the writing just left out a force-activated-item that's needed to beat Valkorian then it would be fine. I was actually a bit annoyed even on my Jedi Knight that it relied on the holocron... my character should have just beaten him by force of will.


I'm certainly not the only person that seems to feel this way either.

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