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I'd like to take this time to address


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I am rather addicted to GSFing and GSF on Ebon Hawk. Normally I find the group of regular flyers fun, challenging and all in all good people/players. I do have a few on ignore but that is just because I like to have fun. It is a game. WHAT I have a problem with and I so WISH the game would do things about it, is the cheats. The ones that have godmodes, autotargetting, infinite ammo, gunships that have a range of 30k and can fire through walls...players that can switch out a ship mid fight...You take screen shots, you offer evidence and nothing is done. I think that is what can ruin GSF and ruin fun for beginners.


I LOVE a challenging game of GSF but it is virtually impossible to fly against or even with players that use these cheats. Learn the ships, learn how to fly, learn how to GSF. Sure you may not win all the time but it is a heck of a lot more fun.


This is all explained by latency. Either you're flying with people that all have horrible internet connections, every single one. Or, you do. Simple answers tend to be the correct ones.

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