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To celebrate the end of KOTFE...a fun ending canon for your character/s poll


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Here is how it plays out...instead of the ending we got where Arcann got beat, raqn off with Senya and we saw Vaylinn and Scorpio join forces....this scenario happens instead....


Arcann launches an attack against Odessen and devastates your base. Only you and FIVE companions from this particular storyline escape. You set off in your signature class ship evading Zakuul for now and decide to formulate whatever plans you think are appropriate ((organize a new resistance, make your own plans to strike back and conquer, go underground, etc)). Any companion that was in KOTFE may be chosen including Scorpio and Senya (assume they stayed) or those that came later (Z0-OM, Skadge and RUsk). This does not include terminal only companions that have not canonically returned (i.e. Kira and Mako) or those that never really joined full time (Tanno Vik and Marr). Feel free to give story for your character or reasons they brought so and so.


Anyway for mine:


LS Female JK - After escaping Odessen would decide to try and find others including her lost companions who could still defy Zakuul. Journeys to planets like Voss and others to train and become stronger and convince surviving Jedi including Satele to rejoin her. Turns up frequently on random planets to save the oppressed. Companions brought:

Theron (trusts the son of Satele and his loyalty and resources),

Choza (a fellow Jedi is welcome),

Senya (has grown to respect and like the tough female force warrior),

Aric Jorgan (find the Republic soldier to be reliable and trustworthy and possibly developing feelings for him),

Rusk (another former companions she trusts implicitly)


LS Male JC - Would go in search of ancient artifacts and lore to try and find out more about the Eternal Fleet and Zakuul. Would occasionally try to save the oppressed and reconnect with other Jedi. Might eventually discover a worse evil out there and play diplomat to convince Zakuul, the Republic and the Empire to pool their resources in the face of this threat. Companions brought:

Choza Rabat (again trusts this fellow Jedi implicitly),

Hemdil Tre (fascinated by his historical knowledge and record keeping),

Yuun (also finds his abilities and knowledge a welcome addition),

Talos (despite being an Imperial, respects his knowledge and calm demeanour),

Guss Tuno (has taken pity on him and feels he can raise him to be contributing)


DS Female Smuggler - Never was into the whole being a hero and resistance elader. Decides to cut her losses and go underground. Might occasionally ambush Zakuul forces to loot in the name of piracy but pretty much does this to any other target too if it suits her means. Eventually settles down as a crime lord of some repute in a dark area of Coruscant. Companions brought:

Nico Okarr (eagerly learns from him and hopes to get him to open up to her romantically despite his vows to someone else),

C2N2 (Hey someone needs to clean the ship and service her meals)),

Z0-OM ((keeps her around for the luls and hey, she is handy in a fight),

Gault (can definitely use his head for business and appreciates the fact he has few morals),

Vette (her thieving skills are useful and she is so fun to tease)


DS Female Trooper - Decides to organize an army of cold blooded killers and mercs who she becomes the elader of and starts waging a war of attrition secretly against both Zakuul and the Empire (who she never took her eye off). Commits acts of violence which some might see as war crimes but which she feels is all totally validated. Causes much destruction and loss of life and the galaxy becomes very unstable. Companions brought:

Rusk (appreciates that this soldier follows orders and doesn't let compassion cloud his judgement),

HK -51 (appreciates an actual combat droid who gets the job done and doesn't run his mouth like HK-55),

M14X (always felt he was one of the more reliable members of Havoc Squad but then again probably because he didn't feel),

Leyta (appreciates her marksmanship skills),

Kaliyo (can appreicate her destructive tendencies but they probably get into lots of fights)


Gonna continue Empire in next post.....

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DS Male SW - Figured the resistance was too weak and never liked having to work with Republic weaklings anyway. Goes off to form a dark army, perhaps taking advantage of Akghal Usar and others to find dark artifacts and dark side soldiers like the Dashade to swell his warmongering horde. Hopes to unleash death and entropy across the galaxy and rule over an Empire of ash.

Companions brought:

Ak'ghal Usar (always wanted a dark champion like him to fight by his side and can totally appreicate its knowledge of the dark side),

Pierce (even though he was not force sensitive can clearly appreciate the grizzled soldiers combat skills and experience),

Xalek (another dark champion to add to his horde),

Broonmark (another fierce killer monster he was always proud of),

Rokuss (wins the Gormak over as well who seems to still hold him in respect and awe for vanquishing his kin)


LS Female SW - Decides that she was not meant to be a hero after all and goes into hiding on Nar Shadaa keeping to herself. Occasionally finds herself doing mercenary work that sees her eliminating some undesirables and compromising Zakuul nevertheless and is eventually convinced to come out as an adventurer for hire. Companions brought:

Vette (always regarded her as something of a sister and the two stick together as companions in arms),

Theron (starts to rekindle a romance with him since they had dated during the Revan incident but she had been temporarily distracted by Koth),

Veeroa (bonds with the Sith whio is native to Nar Shadaa),

Torian (along with Vette convinces her to become an adventurer who eventually starts to help weaken Zakuul anyway),

Koth (they eventually patch things up and become friends at least and he agrees to help her out)


DS Female SI - Also was never cut out to be a hero. Finds an out of the way planet to settle on and conquer where she becomes the region's dark queen. Deciides Zakuul is not her problem anymore and Zakuul itself eventually finds itself dealing with other problems to worry about her.

Companions brought:

Lana (one of the few people she cares deeply for thus she saved her from Odessen's destruction and nurses her back to health. Actually manages to convince Lana to forget about Zakuul and settle down for a while though chances are Lana might eventually recover and try to get my SI to care about the situation once more),

Veeroa (always willing to welcome another talented, beautiful female Sith into her fold),

2V-R8 (useful as a slave robot),

Talos (doesn't usually like men but he has always minded his own business and his knowledge of dark artifacts is useful),

Scorpio (also finds the robot's knowledge useful and that it is a female model and feels she can keep her in line)


DS Male BH - Definitely felt being the leader of the Resistance was a waste of time. Zakuul tries to go after him but after inflicting enough damage they come to a compromise. Afterwards he becomes a particularly infamous mercenary of hire who works for anyone who offers the most including Zakuul. Often known to pull double crosses if one side offers more than the other.

Companions brought:

Skadge (glad to have this hunk of muscle on his side again to bust heads and school wimps),

K'Krohl (could always use another ugly good with a gun),

Kaliyo (his type of gal for sure. They enjoy many romps and a turbulent romance which they wouldn't have any other way and now the galaxy is their playground),

Gault (always enjoyed the money the sneaky devaronian could pull in),

Vette (finds her cute and funny enough to bring along and useful at infiltrating too. Sometimes flirts with her as well to annoy Kaliyo and set them against each other for his amusement)


LF Female Agent - Does not give up hope on the resistance and eventually tries to find survivors from both the Reublic and Empire to come together and resist Zakuul. Still plans to retire in Republic space after it is all done since she has never forgotten what Intelligence did to her.

Companions brought:

Kaliyo (still likes to have her by her side despite their moral differences, feels her influence prevents her form lapsing back into he drone she used to be),

Theron (finds him reliable and useful and hopes he can help her settle down in the Republic afterwards),

T701 (a reliable and more trustworthy droid than Scorpio),

Aric Jorgen (thinks he is a reliable soldier and hopes he can also be a new friend in Republic space),

Leyta (a fellow sniper to relate to)

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Ah I see , well I respectfully gonna do it my way . You did say fun! lol


I'm gonna use my main toon which is a DS Sorc Healer . And romanced Lana . Her name is Meehan .


The companions I will use are Lana , Theron , Tora , Kaliyo and Ghost Marr .


Arcann launches an attack against Odessen and devastates your base.

Kaliyo: Well that didn't take them long! The Eternal Fleet is heading this way !

Lana: We need to evacuate !

Theron: And go where ? we will never make it !

Tora: Damn it ! Koth stole the damn Gravestone !

Lana: Get the Fury ship ready then !

Theron: That won't work ! that ship will never be able to outrun the Eternal fleet !

Lana: It won't have to ! Arcann want the Inquisitor , we will wait for him to come down here and then we will make our escape . The Eternal Throne wouldn't dare shoot while Arcann is here .

Kaliyo: Nice ! I get the Inquisitor !

Tora: I get the fury ready !


Kaliyo and Lana run to where the Inquisitor was holed . The kitchen . But she wasn't alone ! There stood once the Terror of the Empire and best warrior . Darth Marr in a Ghost form .


Meehan: Will you stop asking ! I told you it wasn't ready !

Marr: But I'm hungry !

Meehan: You shouldn't be !!!! You are dead !!!

Marr: Satele wouldn't give me any of that Tython Stew !

Meehan: SHUT UP! Or I force Bind you !


Meehan: ARGH! My eggs are burning ! This is your fault !!!!


Lana: What in the force name are you doing ?

Kaliyo: Do I smell burned eggs ? nice...burn down this base before Arcann take it huh

Meehan: Noooo...my eggs !!!

Lana: We have to evacuate my Lord ! Arcann is heading this way ! we don't have time ! we will take the fury ship and get you out of here !

Meehan: So Arcann is playing sale's man ? I'm not running away from him ! I want to hear his sale pitch !


Kaliyo: If she is staying...so I'm too! I wanna see this .

Meehan: Get in the ship Lana ! I deal with Arcann then we will follow you !

Lana: But-.....this is insane ! He will kill you! You don't stand a chance against him !

Meehan: How dare you ! *Wave around a spatula* I had special training from Valkorian , and Satele and Ghost Marr on Odessen ! I even got a new Lightsaber to use against him! I will win this time !

Lana:*Sigh* fine..go ahead and gamble your life away . I be in the ship .



Arcann landed on Odessen ,his bald head casting a light under the Sun of Odessen . With his one eye , he scanned the base . It was quiet . Too quiet .


Arcann: Damn it ! Did they leave already ? Maybe I should've disguised myself or something ?


Meehan and Kaliyo walked out of the base to his surprise . And Arcann Grinned (which nobody could see..cose Mask of Halloween was still on) .


Arcann: Ah! I though you run off ! You are a fool for not running off when you had the chance .


Meehan: I'm not scared of you !


Arcann: You should be ! I'm the EMPRORE!


Meehan: *Roll eyes* Let's hear your sale pitch then !


Arcann:....wut ?


Kaliyo: Your sale pitch , you know....like a sale's man ? You do have one right ? Although I don't see him holding any product ?


Meehan: More misinformation ? Damn it ! who came up with that ?


Arcann:*Cough* I do have one ! *Arcann bring out a shield* This fine shield from my personal Armory ! Stronger then any Shield that my Knight use ! Resistant to any impact be them weapons impact or force powers impact ! I sell you this for the low low Price for 1 billions dinero !


Meehan: You nuts! That's too much !


Kaliyo: What the hell...you won't even be able to use it !


Meehan: There is that ! But I could get it for Lana.......as a gift :D


Arcann: Sorry but I'm putting it on Ebay ! Consider your chance of buying it gone ! Now Prepare to Die !


Meehan: How dare you! I was gonna buy it !!!


Kaliyo: All right! finally..some fun !


Meehan and Arcann both got their lightsaber out and started gazing at each other with great intensity .


Arcann: This time..you will not be coming back to life !


Meehan: We will see about that !


Meehan threw her lightsaber away and grinned at Arcann .


Meehan: I won't need that ! KAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Arcann: Fool! You are nowhere as strong as my sister to rely on the force alone !




Arcann: What are you doing ?




Arcann: Grr So Annoying! ANSWER ME!








Arcann: Eeep! NO CHEAT-....ARGHHHH!


Meehan used the force in a Manga style and Blasted Arcann off oddessen .


Kaliyo: *clap clap* Nice !


Meehan: Let's hope he end up sore and won't come back for more !


Lana: If you two are done playing around ! we still have the Eternal Throne aiming at us ! Let's go !


Meehan: Coming already !




The group were able to evade Vaylin and the Eternal Throne , for they were too busy searching for Arcann .


Theron: What do we do now ? we lost our HQ and everything !


Lana: We will have to start over somewhere else !


Meehan: To Coruscant !


Theron&Lana: What ? What the hell for ?


Meehan: Arcann put that shield on Ebay! and Coruscant has a GTN! I wanna buy it before someone does !


Lana: Can you forget about that damn shield for 5 sec !


Theron: yeah..beside we won't be able to get near Coruscant in an Imperial vessel anyway .


Meehan: We won't have to! Ghost Marr can infiltrate and get it for me !


Marr: So Hungry !


Meehan: You can eat at a cantina there too! Just make sure you buy the shield first !


Kaliyo: Why is he around still anyway ?


Meehan: He is useful to peek at Lana when she is changing :p


Lana: HE WHAT ?


Meehan: N-nothing! *cough*.....let's go to Coruscant already .


To be continued.......:D

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Ah I see , well I respectfully gonna do it my way . You did say fun! lol


I'm gonna use my main toon which is a DS Sorc Healer . And romanced Lana . Her name is Meehan .


The companions I will use are Lana , Theron , Tora , Kaliyo and Ghost Marr .



Kaliyo: Well that didn't take them long! The Eternal Fleet is heading this way !

Lana: We need to evacuate !

Theron: And go where ? we will never make it !

Tora: Damn it ! Koth stole the damn Gravestone !

Lana: Get the Fury ship ready then !

Theron: That won't work ! that ship will never be able to outrun the Eternal fleet !

Lana: It won't have to ! Arcann want the Inquisitor , we will wait for him to come down here and then we will make our escape . The Eternal Throne wouldn't dare shoot while Arcann is here .

Kaliyo: Nice ! I get the Inquisitor !

Tora: I get the fury ready !


Kaliyo and Lana run to where the Inquisitor was holed . The kitchen . But she wasn't alone ! There stood once the Terror of the Empire and best warrior . Darth Marr in a Ghost form .


Meehan: Will you stop asking ! I told you it wasn't ready !

Marr: But I'm hungry !

Meehan: You shouldn't be !!!! You are dead !!!

Marr: Satele wouldn't give me any of that Tython Stew !

Meehan: SHUT UP! Or I force Bind you !


Meehan: ARGH! My eggs are burning ! This is your fault !!!!


Lana: What in the force name are you doing ?

Kaliyo: Do I smell burned eggs ? nice...burn down this base before Arcann take it huh

Meehan: Noooo...my eggs !!!

Lana: We have to evacuate my Lord ! Arcann is heading this way ! we don't have time ! we will take the fury ship and get you out of here !

Meehan: So Arcann is playing sale's man ? I'm not running away from him ! I want to hear his sale pitch !


Kaliyo: If she is staying...so I'm too! I wanna see this .

Meehan: Get in the ship Lana ! I deal with Arcann then we will follow you !

Lana: But-.....this is insane ! He will kill you! You don't stand a chance against him !

Meehan: How dare you ! *Wave around a spatula* I had special training from Valkorian , and Satele and Ghost Marr on Odessen ! I even got a new Lightsaber to use against him! I will win this time !

Lana:*Sigh* fine..go ahead and gamble your life away . I be in the ship .



Arcann landed on Odessen ,his bald head casting a light under the Sun of Odessen . With his one eye , he scanned the base . It was quiet . Too quiet .


Arcann: Damn it ! Did they leave already ? Maybe I should've disguised myself or something ?


Meehan and Kaliyo walked out of the base to his surprise . And Arcann Grinned (which nobody could see..cose Mask of Halloween was still on) .


Arcann: Ah! I though you run off ! You are a fool for not running off when you had the chance .


Meehan: I'm not scared of you !


Arcann: You should be ! I'm the EMPRORE!


Meehan: *Roll eyes* Let's hear your sale pitch then !


Arcann:....wut ?


Kaliyo: Your sale pitch , you know....like a sale's man ? You do have one right ? Although I don't see him holding any product ?


Meehan: More misinformation ? Damn it ! who came up with that ?


Arcann:*Cough* I do have one ! *Arcann bring out a shield* This fine shield from my personal Armory ! Stronger then any Shield that my Knight use ! Resistant to any impact be them weapons impact or force powers impact ! I sell you this for the low low Price for 1 billions dinero !


Meehan: You nuts! That's too much !


Kaliyo: What the hell...you won't even be able to use it !


Meehan: There is that ! But I could get it for Lana.......as a gift :D


Arcann: Sorry but I'm putting it on Ebay ! Consider your chance of buying it gone ! Now Prepare to Die !


Meehan: How dare you! I was gonna buy it !!!


Kaliyo: All right! finally..some fun !


Meehan and Arcann both got their lightsaber out and started gazing at each other with great intensity .


Arcann: This time..you will not be coming back to life !


Meehan: We will see about that !


Meehan threw her lightsaber away and grinned at Arcann .


Meehan: I won't need that ! KAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Arcann: Fool! You are nowhere as strong as my sister to rely on the force alone !




Arcann: What are you doing ?




Arcann: Grr So Annoying! ANSWER ME!








Arcann: Eeep! NO CHEAT-....ARGHHHH!


Meehan used the force in a Manga style and Blasted Arcann off oddessen .


Kaliyo: *clap clap* Nice !


Meehan: Let's hope he end up sore and won't come back for more !


Lana: If you two are done playing around ! we still have the Eternal Throne aiming at us ! Let's go !


Meehan: Coming already !




The group were able to evade Vaylin and the Eternal Throne , for they were too busy searching for Arcann .


Theron: What do we do now ? we lost our HQ and everything !


Lana: We will have to start over somewhere else !


Meehan: To Coruscant !


Theron&Lana: What ? What the hell for ?


Meehan: Arcann put that shield on Ebay! and Coruscant has a GTN! I wanna buy it before someone does !


Lana: Can you forget about that damn shield for 5 sec !


Theron: yeah..beside we won't be able to get near Coruscant in an Imperial vessel anyway .


Meehan: We won't have to! Ghost Marr can infiltrate and get it for me !


Marr: So Hungry !


Meehan: You can eat at a cantina there too! Just make sure you buy the shield first !


Kaliyo: Why is he around still anyway ?


Meehan: He is useful to peek at Lana when she is changing :p


Lana: HE WHAT ?


Meehan: N-nothing! *cough*.....let's go to Coruscant already .


To be continued.......:D


LOL. Yeah, I never understood why Marr would want to continue to hang with Satele once the SI was back anyway :D *cough* now excuse me, I'm off to Coruscant to buy stuff off the GTN :D which is seriously what I'm doing in the game. :D :D

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