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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changing Name Tip


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So staring on Nov 29 character transfer will be 90 cc, so if you would like to change your character name for only cost you 180 cc to do so.


STEP 1. Transfer character you want to change name to a different server doesn't matter which one.

STEP 2 . On the original server create a new toon with the same of the toon you transfer to a different server.

STEP 3 . Now just transfer back your toon back to his original server so now the name will be unavailable since you

just created a new toon with the same name, so you will given a chance to rename your toon

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And if you're both changing servers and changing names, there's only two steps.

1. Create a character with the name you don't want on the target server.

2. Move the character in question to that server. And as that name now is unavailable, you have to chance names.


I did that for several of my characters back in the day of the first or second server merger. It works like a dream. All you need to do is delete the place holder character and create it again with the new name you don't want to keep.

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