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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I need to ask


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So a while ago I boosted my sith warrior to 60 and I played him for a while then I took a break, when I came back I wanted the Darth title but I can only get that through the end quest in the sith story line. if anyone knows how to get it otherwise pls help me
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There is no other way. It's is less of a "boost" than a shortcut to KotFE.


Just start playing a new char today, use a XP boost and do everything on Korriban and DK and you should start chapter 1 around level 40. Enough to skip everything but the class story from now on. Will take about 30min per planet to do this, and you'll be a Darth at the end of the weekend.


If you haven't done anything for the DvL event, you'll get 5 free packs with bound CM stuff at level 25, and another 10 at level 50 if you also do the Black Talon, Boarding party and Foundry solo flashpoints. Should be plenty of time for this, before the event ends on tuesday.


If this is your first char, though, you really shouldn't use any method to rush trough the story, and just enjoy the game.

Edited by Mubrak
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So a while ago I boosted my sith warrior to 60 and I played him for a while then I took a break, when I came back I wanted the Darth title but I can only get that through the end quest in the sith story line. if anyone knows how to get it otherwise pls help me
There is no "other way". You have to start at level 1 and play through the story. If you use a "start at 60", your character is locked out of the whole main class story, all companion conversations/mission, plus all titles, achievements, etc. tied to the class and/or companion story.
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I did use my Start at 60 token. Several times. You get it back if you delete the character before it hits level 61. And you get some Legacy bound gear too that you can give to other toons. They said they were going to change that gear to bound on pickup, but I haven't done this lately so I don't know if that still is a possible way to get gear.


I never actually played a Start at 60 character though.

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I did use my Start at 60 token. Several times. You get it back if you delete the character before it hits level 61. And you get some Legacy bound gear too that you can give to other toons. They said they were going to change that gear to bound on pickup, but I haven't done this lately so I don't know if that still is a possible way to get gear.


This is, since Game Update 4.3, no loger true.


If you complete any mission, boarding your ship, crafting, etc. you don't get the Token back.

And the gear is bound since then.

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This is, since Game Update 4.3, no loger true.


If you complete any mission, boarding your ship, crafting, etc. you don't get the Token back.

And the gear is bound since then.


I didn't know they had changed it that much, so thanks for that. I had heard about the gear back in the day and as that was all I needed the token for, everything else must have been forgotten.

Edited by Dragondog
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