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4 Dev/Musco or Community Answers


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I just have some questions regarding 5.0 and if anyone can answer them that would be great! If these were all ready answered I apologize I did try and watch all of the streams but fell asleep or got distracted in a few of them so may have missed it.


1. Regarding XP for Command Levels does it increase each level like it does for normal levels or will it be the same amount of XP each level for all 300 Command XP Levels? (This method reminds me a lot of Paragon for Diablo 3 but better because you get rewarded each level whereas Diablo was all RNG)


2. This one I am sure was answered and I missed it but first time playing through can I play on Veteran or must I play through on story first? Will you be rewarded on the missions with better gear if you can? (For example if I play on story I get green gear but if I play on veteran for first time around I get blues and Master possible drops purples)


3. Dark Vs Light Event is really peeking my interest. The only reason I stuck with WoW for so long is they continued to have Wintergrasp or other controlled events that kept each side battling for control. My real question is would you guys consider adding a Dark Vs Light PvP event or do you already have plans for one?!


4. I heard this question asked in the twitch stream but never heard it answered. Will the two new planets have exploration areas outside of the story missions (Like Ziost etc...) or will they be more confined like some planets?


I am sure people have more and I know a lot of these can be answered the beginning of next week by myself but if anyone could answer them quicker that would be great thanks!

Edited by _Anderal_
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I wonder most of this as well, and would also add, does classmissions and planetary missions contribute cxp?


I know that you have to be 70, but there are faster ways to get to 70 beside class missions, so would love if doing them after awarded cxp

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1. Yes, on the livestreams we saw that the CXP per level will increase. Like at rank 93, you will need 3970 and at rank 96, you will need 4000 CXP.


2. Yes, the devs said you can immediately play on Veteran. But I don't think it will drop much in the way of gear; gear is supposed to come from the Command Crates now.


3. The devs said there are some open-world PvP elements because bosses spawn in both PvE and PvP instances, and if the boss in the PvE instance has been killed, guilds are likely to enter the PvP instances.


4. From my understanding, the planets will be story areas only, there are no areas for open exploration but the devs are open to later adding a daily area there.

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Thank you for the answers the only one I still question about is Story/Veteran/Master because command crates cannot be the only way to get gear. If so leveling would suck if you have a level 1 and you have to get to 70 before you can start earning CXP to get crates on that character. I would hope and from my understanding they wont change rewards missions give you but rather than getting XP you will get CXP after hitting 70. Regular rewards I would hope to stay the same but this is definitely something I would love to hear more about.


I do not believe its account wide for this reason. if you hit max 300 on one character that is light side but your dark side character is only 150 because you haven't done as much dark side work they wouldn't want all your characters to get the light side XP when they are not light side characters.

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so CXP is account wide and you basically just do anything to get experience for it?


No, it's not account wide. Not even legacy wide. It's character specific. So every level 70 character needs to get their own CXP to gear up.

The gear, incidentally, is NOT Bind on Legacy either, but mods you rip out of the gear can apparently be sent to alts in legacy gear. ...that is if I've understood that correctly.

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Thank you for the answers the only one I still question about is Story/Veteran/Master because command crates cannot be the only way to get gear. If so leveling would suck if you have a level 1 and you have to get to 70 before you can start earning CXP to get crates on that character. I would hope and from my understanding they wont change rewards missions give you but rather than getting XP you will get CXP after hitting 70. Regular rewards I would hope to stay the same but this is definitely something I would love to hear more about.


I do not believe its account wide for this reason. if you hit max 300 on one character that is light side but your dark side character is only 150 because you haven't done as much dark side work they wouldn't want all your characters to get the light side XP when they are not light side characters.


Command crates is how you get gear from the moment you hit level 70. Galactic Command doesn't come in to play for your toon before that. So you get gear from quests before that if you are not level 70. And it is not account NOR legacy-wide. It is for each toon.


To me it wouldn't make sense to have geargrind legacywide. It isn't now so. But a boost like they talked about if you have grinded out one toon to the next toon, like they talked about in stream, that would be nice.

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