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Why Lord Scourge, Kira, and Revan must return for KOTET.


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It's true I have no promises from them that they would customize these companions. But if they redid the system going forward. Why did they leave customization slots on each of these characters?


I guess it doesn't matter in the end. Outside of the other classes companions I have picked up I don't use the KotFE ones at all unless they are forced upon me. The others who I can change around so we don't have a clone army running loose get much more love from me.


It was probably more so because of the hassle of changing the UI rather than ever suggesting companion customization kits were coming. Even with the variety in customization kits for companions, you still essentially had the "clone army" effect happening.


If it's any consolation, since Kira and Scourge are class companions, you can customize them should they return in KOTET.

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You obviously don't know anything about the Revan character. He started in KotOR, but he expanded far beyond that in KotOR 2 and other mediums. Your comments reflect someone that knows very little about the Old Republic Era and how fleshed out it actually is.


That "hack writer," his name is Drew Karpyshyn, created Revan as well as the story for KotOR 1, so I think he has a bit more credibility when handling the character than your perceived understanding of Revan.


So SWTOR should cater to obsessive fanboys-great plan, pander to the 1% that consume anything with Star Wars in the title while everyone else is left wondering why they should care about a Sith that disapproves of everything a remotely light Jedi Knight does, as well as a cipher that EA constantly resurrects because they are too creatively bankrupt to come with anything better?


I haven't read every novel pushed out, nor played every shovelware game produced. I learned long ago to use a little discrimination with Star Wars, as most of the material produced is garbage (Sturgeon's Law is in full effect). Apparently others lap up anything with the name and expect each piece to fit into the others as if this pulp space opera setting should be like a mosaic.


So he created a straight white light male-why even bother with other options then? I guess 'choices mattered' 13 years ago too.


As for hack writing, his incompetence with Mass Effect shows that. Wasn't Mass Effect 2, aka the Daddy Issues game that had nothing to do with the Reaper threat, his creation?

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I agree with the OP on this subject this is the perfect place to reintroduce Kira, Lord Scourge and Force Ghost of Revan . . . To anyone who knows Star Wars Lore after a Jedi learns to commune with a Force ghost they can appear at any given time, and as we all know Revan was truly a Force ghost after S.O.R. expansion, therefore Revan could return in that aspect and speak to the Player Character. . . and this is the perfect time for him to appear to our P.C.


So would the Inquisitor be given a chance to devour Revan's ghost, or is 'he' special that way?

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Wait a minute! People complained about companions returning in KotFE? Only complaints I ever heard about companions returning was "These aren't the ones I want back" and "Alerts suck"


While people may not have cared for the chapters stories, I never heard complaints about "I got Jorgan, Torian, Kaliyo back in a lousy chapter." :p




People complained that most of the companions being returned were predominantly from the bottom tier of popularity. Yuun, Xalek, Broonmark, ect.


It was fairly obvious that Bioware was delaying the return of the majority of the more popular companions in order to keep people subscribed longer.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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So SWTOR should cater to obsessive fanboys-great plan, pander to the 1% that consume anything with Star Wars in the title while everyone else is left wondering why they should care about a Sith that disapproves of everything a remotely light Jedi Knight does, as well as a cipher that EA constantly resurrects because they are too creatively bankrupt to come with anything better?


I haven't read every novel pushed out, nor played every shovelware game produced. I learned long ago to use a little discrimination with Star Wars, as most of the material produced is garbage (Sturgeon's Law is in full effect). Apparently others lap up anything with the name and expect each piece to fit into the others as if this pulp space opera setting should be like a mosaic.


So he created a straight white light male-why even bother with other options then? I guess 'choices mattered' 13 years ago too.


As for hack writing, his incompetence with Mass Effect shows that. Wasn't Mass Effect 2, aka the Daddy Issues game that had nothing to do with the Reaper threat, his creation?


I see a lot of ranting about being against BioWare appealing to the niche and minority of the player base. Revan isn't some niche character. Just because you don't happen to know anything about him beyond KotOR 1 doesn't mean others are in the same boat. Revan's history is well-documented from the Mandalorian War, to the Jedi Civil War, to the aftermath of it. That's a time period of at least ten to fifteen years. The fact that he was made a white male is actually rather minor considering the character has much more depth based on his ideology and his actions. What makes Revan iconic is his mask, not what he looks like.


Drew Karpyshyn was the lead writer on ME1 and ME2. While your "Daddy issues" comment is comical since you are alluding to some of the companions, the problem with that game had to do more with the fact that there really wasn't a story. Shepard died. Shepard was brought back to life. Shepard has to build a team and go on a suicide mission. That's the full extent of Mass Effect 2. The story wasn't very substantial, but the character development was very well-done.

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Revan is done, let the man rest.


As for an old ally...I can think of one character they rolled out many many times while getting the hype for this game going, and yet most characters only see him near the end of their story arc or at the very end, and he didn't even talk to them; Malcolm(sp?). Aka the trooper that caused malgus to have to wear a resperator unit because he set off a thermal detinator at point blank range. I would love for him to get some light shone on him considering they ignored him, even the TROOPER class barely gets to see the man that essentially was Havoc before Havoc existed. He's also Theron's dad.


It could be Marr and Satele, both having met everyone.


Honestly though? I expect it to be the wookie and droid from SoR, as again, it is one of the few characters that actually met EVERYONE and was an ally.

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Yep, that's what I got out of it, as well.


I do have to say his comment about people not liking Kotfe because of the "filler" companion stories rang hollow for me. The were enough problems with the core story to be disappointed in it without using that as an excuse. And some of the chapters without any companions at all were the most boring for me, such as the one with Satele and Marr. Ughhhgg.


I do think their mistake was saving the "best" companions for last, and that's why people didn't care about many of the ones they brought back this time. I think they learned the wrong lesson from that. If companions like Scourge, Kira, Quinn, and Jaesa had come back, would anyone have complained about them being filler? No way.


I'm going to second that. Aside from Kaliyo's chapter the companion chapters were the only ones that were actually fun and the only ones I might actually voluntarily repeat. The rest of KotFE swings from being just ok to being a truly tedious slog. The only reason I push through KotFE on alts is to open up areas for crafting and to do companion alerts. (I would enjoy the alerts far more if they were fully voiced!).

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Shadow of Revan was a mistake. It didn't make any sense and in many ways it ruined the Revan character. That being said, going to Nathema is intrinsically tied to Revan as he has a history with this planet. He has been to it more than once and Revan absolutely needs a role to tie up these loose ends. I'm not suggesting the entire story needs to be about Revan. What I am stating is he needs some involvement as does Scourge and Kira.


I love shadows of revan. It's one of my favorite expansions.

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As much as I would like these companions back, Charles Boyd said during last twitch stream: main focus was with the story of KOTET, no old companions will be brought back with this expansion. That's not to say they won't come back at all..


Charles Boyd did not say that at all. Go back and watch the Producer Live Stream again. What he did say is BioWare planned on bringing back a lot more companions. However, because of feedback from KOTFE, BioWare decided they were going to focus more on the story. That means some of the companions are still returning, just not as many that were originally planned.

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Charles Boyd did not say that at all. Go back and watch the Producer Live Stream again. What he did say is BioWare planned on bringing back a lot more companions. However, because of feedback from KOTFE, BioWare decided they were going to focus more on the story. That means some of the companions are still returning, just not as many that were originally planned.


He also said that they would try to get all the companions back "soon" which means that can be anywhere from a few months to years. Sort of like the promise that the raiders received of operations not being two years in between again, and we know how that went.....

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Dantooine isn't really notable for anything beyond the destroyed Jedi Enclave from KotOR 1. Otherwise, it's just farmland, wildlife, and some crystal caves.


I'm all for more KotOR references, but again Revan's inclusion is a logical one and not merely for fan service. Revan's involvement in SOR was nothing but fan service because it didn't make sense. Revan going back to Nathema, however, makes a lot of sense and shouldn't just be disregarded because BioWare has used the character poorly in the past.


You mean the creators of St Revan have a 'limited understanding' of the Old Republic era?

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He also said that they would try to get all the companions back "soon" which means that can be anywhere from a few months to years. Sort of like the promise that the raiders received of operations not being two years in between again, and we know how that went.....


Don't worry, all the companions will have returned by the time you get your characters leveled up with the exciting new system (to go with the exciting new story).

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I would like to see the force ghosts of Revan and Darth Marr (and maybe Satele Shan if she ends up getting killed) return so they can confront Valkorion's ghost and pull him into the abyss together.


While I could see that (especially Revan), and it would be fun in a way, there is one issue with it: Again the main character (the PC) has to be saved by an outside force. This could be... troublesome to some players.


I would much prefer the PC casting Valkorian/Vitiate into one of the stars. Valky himself said that the PC could be the one to succeed at killing him that way. (Though, now that I think of it, a black hole might be better.)

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I would much prefer the PC casting Valkorian/Vitiate into one of the stars. Valky himself said that the PC could be the one to succeed at killing him that way. (Though, now that I think of it, a black hole might be better.)


Yeah, my solution was Revan and my Jedi Knight put Vitiate/Valkorian into Scourge then toss him into the Maw.

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I beg you Bioware: Do not return Revan for KOTET. For crying out loud, that character has been overused in SWTOr to a ridiculous degree. I didn't mind the quest chain during which Revan was rescued from his imprisonment. I also didn't mind the Foundry mission. That story alone would have given a good level of closure to Revan's story.


Then came SoR, and that was explained all over again. Some nonsensical plot about a seperated Revan, another pointless fight against him, and he finally became one with the Force. He moved on. Don't bring him back as a Force Ghost. Don't let him take a corporeal form. Just let him rest in peace. His story is over. Concluded. He is one with the Force, and he deserves that peace after 300 years of torment.

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Revan is not needed, leave him alone.



Kira is debatable, she has formed ties to the Emperor but she doesn't offer much...



Scourge on the other hand I feel is totally needed back in the story, I think he felt out of place not being in Shadow of Revan. The real mistake was ever making him a companion in the base game, it restricts him quite a bit. He's by far the most powerful companion and is immortal, his character potential is being wasted due to him being a companion before.


Scourge has been to Nathema and knows the Emperor well.

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He also said that they would try to get all the companions back "soon" which means that can be anywhere from a few months to years. Sort of like the promise that the raiders received of operations not being two years in between again, and we know how that went.....


Most of the companions have returned. The only ones we still do not have are mainly love interests and the most popular companions. I don't exactly know what Charles' plans are for bringing most of them back. It seems he was going to do it through chapters mainly, but I suppose some could appear in Alliance alerts still.


Again, it makes sense specifically for Scourge and Kira to return because of the events happening in KOTET. This isn't about a popularity contest of who should come back first. I'm just looking at the companions who have the most relevance to the story and should be included before it ends.


While I have many favorites who have not been reintroduced into the game yet, they also likely wouldn't have a stake in the Eternal Throne and probably wouldn't care.

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You are acting as if I want Revan to be the main character and to be introduced into every single segment of KOTET. That is ridiculous. Truth be told, I have hated how BioWare has handled Revan's character in SWTOR. Maelstrom Prison was okay, but The Foundry was beyond stupid. SOR completely butchered Revan's character beyond repair and his inclusion was ultimately pointless.


KOTET is the first time that Revan actually being in SWTOR makes sense. Again, just read the Revan book and you'll understand why. I don't want Revan to be the focus. I just want him to have a role and to at least acknowledge some of the events unfolding. Revan has been on Nathema multiple times. Scourge has also been there. Kira also has a stake in defeating Valkorion due to what he did to her as well as many of her friends who were also children of the emperor.


All of these characters want to see a conclusion to this story, so it only makes sense that all of them play some role in Valkorion's ultimate demise. Believe me when I say I only want Revan involved specifically for this moment. Revan is my favorite character in Star Wars and I would have rather he never had a presence in SWTOR with how BioWare has handled him. That being said, he absolutely needs recognition in some capacity in KOTET.

Edited by Aowin
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