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let us repeat GC tiers?


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I have no idea if anyone else would be in favor of this. I'm not even sure if I would. But amidst all the outcry about GC and RNG, a crazy idea occurred to me (setting aside how technically feasible it is):


Allow us to hit a toggle that repeats a tier of Galactic Command levels.


So, made up example, say the first tier of gear drops from levels 1-10 (probably isn't like this, just making up an example). I hit GC level 10. I have now "unlocked" that tier and can choose to repeat it if I want. While I'm doing this, I maintain the level 10 GC unlock underneath, but instead of gaining CXP toward level 11, I gain toward level 1, then 2, etc. and the CXP is as low for those as it was originally.


Why? The idea is that if you want to go for a full set in one tier faster (since the CXP requirement is lower) rather than getting pieces at random from different tiers until next thing you know it's taking you forever to ding one command level because you're at max, you can do that.


This would theoretically allow people to make the gearing a little less scattered for themselves. And if someone's goal is to just get a base, full set of gear and they don't care that much about having top tier, they can use the toggle profusely, speeding up that process.


Other forum peoples... let me know what you think. I haven't thought this through deeply at all. It just popped into my head like 10 minutes ago.

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