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(possible new info) Scoundrel logging in to weapon out but invisible


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You know that bug where you log in and your weapon is out, but it's invisible?


I used to get this bug all the time on my scoundrel. Drove me crazy. My discipline was Scrapper. In the last month or so, I switched my Scoundrel over to Sawbones to do some healing. I can't pinpoint for sure when I stopped having the bug, but I know that for weeks there, I was not experiencing it at all.


Couple days ago, I switched my Scoundrel back to Scrapper. It didn't occur to me until today that maybe the two are related. The bug is now back. I thought about testing the theory by switching back to heals, but I don't want to rearrange my bars again. U.U


Might be something to try, dear SWTOR QA department. If it is tied to discipline, that might give some extra insight as to what is causing it.

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Had this happen to me several times on my Operative, yesterday, only when exiting my persaonl ship, IIRC. Character would be standing there with his blaster rifle on his back, but standing in the "weapon ready" pose, with his hands empty. Hitting Z a couple times to stow/draw his weapon fixed it - until the next time I disembarked from my ship.



Annnnd I just now logged into the game with him, and he's doing the same thing. Standing there like he's holding his rifle, but it's still hanging on his back. So not just happenieng after exiting the ship.



Also, not happening every time I log into the game, or every time I exit my ship, just a lot of the time.

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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Additional thought: Maybe it has to do with having class buffs versus not having them up. I just logged in, same Scoundrel, Scrapper, no bug. But also no class buffs on.


Edit: Nope, never mind. Was logged out, logged in again, and got the bug, still with no class buffs.

Edited by Rolodome
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