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Expectations for the new Expansion


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Well.... since Trump won the elections i m expecting all kind of crap from thw world we live in and as we all know characters don't die in games anymore, they just keep coming back for no apparent reason, because it is best to live the nostalgia. So my point is Thexan will appear, at some point, in the main story, followed up by his brother Arcann and they team up as they should have and defeat Vailyn. The new story makes no sense at all, so i don't see why this could be far from the truth. I ve no idea what has happened to Empire vs Republic. Flashpoints like boarding party and other are what star wars is about, ok you can fight other enemies, but where did we lose swtor ? do we need to elect those three little piggies that normally stream and tell them to make swtor great again ?


Btw i'm not american, i m just dazzled how America can fudge up everything ;p.

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