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Armor not appealing.. not since the beginning


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Has anyone noticed that the armor for all classes are looking really boring? I mean if you look at patch 1.2 armor for example (many other sets in the beginning too) they had deep detail and really brought out the class you were playing as. IMO made the visual game play through pve and pvp more appealing. I wish they weould really deck out some of the new gear coming in 5.0. They are all brown or black "smuggler" or "outlander" looking sets on the cartel market. especially the most recent ones.


My suggestions would be:


1. Really put heavy emphasis on the class and the armor the goes with it! (juggernaut heavy metal machine type armor, sorcs have evil looking drapes and cloth, bounty hunter aggressive heavy armor, sages king and queen lighter type armor. marauders medium spiky detailed armor and so on...)


2. armor Tuning! not just weapons! Have assasins armor have maybe some type of shadow type effect. Sages have light beaming from there armor, juggernauts have orange or dark red thundery effect and etc...


3. maybe have stat boosts to specific abilitys for each one?


Ex: when equppined "____ armor tuning" when force scream kills a target in impact its cooldown is refreshed. can trigger once every 30 sec.


I really hope the can implement this type of accessory to the game!!!

What do you guys think??!:p

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Some of their ideas for class identity armor has been really really REALLY bad...look at past raid/PvP armor sets. Most of them are hideous and were class specific for identity purposes.

Example, every trooper armor with the giant fridge backpack on them is horrible looking.


As for the generic coloring being your problem, you can dye the armor. You can also find armor that fits what you want if you mix and match green/blue drop gear.

Decked my female cathar sniper in dark metallic catsuit armor with imperial officer chest piece that when I turned it purple it is this super dark near black metallic purple on the whole armor. All kinds of unique looks to be made out there that fit the classes well if you are willing to go beyond the fact that they aren't named the same thing.

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1. Really put heavy emphasis on the class and the armor the goes with it! (juggernaut heavy metal machine type armor, sorcs have evil looking drapes and cloth, bounty hunter aggressive heavy armor, sages king and queen lighter type armor. marauders medium spiky detailed armor and so on...)

So long as I can continue to indulge my preference for equipping my characters "against type" (Guardians in skimpies, Assassin in the "Subversive" set, Rattataki Sorc in Basic Underwear and Covert Energy parts dyed white/white so she looks naked from a distance, etc.)

2. armor Tuning! not just weapons! Have assasins armor have maybe some type of shadow type effect. Sages have light beaming from there armor, juggernauts have orange or dark red thundery effect and etc...

As long as it is something we add to the armour and not just an effect because the armour is being worn by class X.

3. maybe have stat boosts to specific abilitys for each one?


Ex: when equppined "____ armor tuning" when force scream kills a target in impact its cooldown is refreshed. can trigger once every 30 sec.

That's a bad idea because:

* It goes down the slippery slope towards a Pay-to-Win game.

* These tunings become "mandatory" for high-level content. "Oh, you don't have Tuning X on your armour, you're gimped, vote-kick!"

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Some of their ideas for class identity armor has been really really REALLY bad...look at past raid/PvP armor sets. Most of them are hideous and were class specific for identity purposes.

Example, every trooper armor with the giant fridge backpack on them is horrible looking.


As for the generic coloring being your problem, you can dye the armor. You can also find armor that fits what you want if you mix and match green/blue drop gear.

Decked my female cathar sniper in dark metallic catsuit armor with imperial officer chest piece that when I turned it purple it is this super dark near black metallic purple on the whole armor. All kinds of unique looks to be made out there that fit the classes well if you are willing to go beyond the fact that they aren't named the same thing.


In you opinion they might be bad. but fro god sakes the end game gear for the new expansion look exactly the same to the class next you. white with brown stains on crappy "outlander gear" its terrible.... even if they do this i hope to god there is some much better detailed armor. you know making a sorc look like a sorc. making a guardian look like a guardian etc..

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They should also change the Dye Module system to have TWO dye module slots on armor pieces, a primary slot and a secondary slot. All dye modules would be single-color and would not be restricted by primary/secondary slot - all dye modules would be usable as a primary or secondary color.
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They should also change the Dye Module system to have TWO dye module slots on armor pieces, a primary slot and a secondary slot. All dye modules would be single-color and would not be restricted by primary/secondary slot - all dye modules would be usable as a primary or secondary color.


Would totally ruin their cashcow Black/Black dye.

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They should also change the Dye Module system to have TWO dye module slots on armor pieces, a primary slot and a secondary slot. All dye modules would be single-color and would not be restricted by primary/secondary slot - all dye modules would be usable as a primary or secondary color.


Make that 3! Some armor has a tertiary color that dominates and doesn't dye at all the way things stand 💩

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Make that 3! Some armor has a tertiary color that dominates and doesn't dye at all the way things stand 💩

God yeah. I make do by mixing stuff together, but half the sets (and I may even be understating it by saying half) have some distinctive part (usually brown) that can't be dyed and ruins the look if you use any dye with it that doesn't go well with that color.

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So far I had no issue finding that smexy outfit for my toons . But the only 2 I keep struggling with are Trooper and BH .


Trooper armos are so Ugly . And BH....Unless I get something with ''Mando'' label...I have no idea what they are supposed to be wearing .


Now I was able to get one idea for an Armor for Trooper . But those crates are worse then gambling! I keep getting the same crap over and over...glove glove..boots boots..pants..skirt....helmet....


Where are the chest pieces ?

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So far I had no issue finding that smexy outfit for my toons . But the only 2 I keep struggling with are Trooper and BH .


Trooper armos are so Ugly . And BH....Unless I get something with ''Mando'' label...I have no idea what they are supposed to be wearing .


Now I was able to get one idea for an Armor for Trooper . But those crates are worse then gambling! I keep getting the same crap over and over...glove glove..boots boots..pants..skirt....helmet....


Where are the chest pieces ?

If you put in a request here, in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=895421


With details on what kind of style you're looking for (if any), what your appearance details are for the character (if it matters to you) and any other details you find important, I can look around and see what I can come up with for you.


I will admit though, I run into the same issue with BHs. Lot of them wind up with a mando helmet on, or at least some kind of jetpack.

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They should also change the Dye Module system to have TWO dye module slots on armor pieces, a primary slot and a secondary slot. All dye modules would be single-color and would not be restricted by primary/secondary slot - all dye modules would be usable as a primary or secondary color.


Like this as sometimes I would like two colors that are not even on the dyes.

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Some of their ideas for class identity armor has been really really REALLY bad...look at past raid/PvP armor sets. Most of them are hideous and were class specific for identity purposes.

Example, every trooper armor with the giant fridge backpack on them is horrible looking.


As for the generic coloring being your problem, you can dye the armor. You can also find armor that fits what you want if you mix and match green/blue drop gear.

Decked my female cathar sniper in dark metallic catsuit armor with imperial officer chest piece that when I turned it purple it is this super dark near black metallic purple on the whole armor. All kinds of unique looks to be made out there that fit the classes well if you are willing to go beyond the fact that they aren't named the same thing.


for trooper sake i can agree with you. but these last couple of years the armor sets have been so weird looking, not interesting pieces at all, looked even worse with dyes, and has no effort into detail. Look at the war hero and battle master sets for all classes. now those were sick! there was some time in effort put into these sets and actually made you feel as if you were different from the class next or mirrored to. If you look at the cartel market peices alone, the only cool ones were revans gear and helm, mask of nihilus and maybe one other. the rest is getting more and more like "brown nomad armor"


what happened to juggernauts having big metal gear looking armor, or sorcs looking like an actual sith sorc! you know damaged drapes cool detailed crystals on armor etc.. its just sad to look at. i wish i still had my armor from vanilla back in 2011

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So far I had no issue finding that smexy outfit for my toons . But the only 2 I keep struggling with are Trooper and BH .


Trooper armos are so Ugly . And BH....Unless I get something with ''Mando'' label...I have no idea what they are supposed to be wearing .

I like the BBA Bounty Tracker set, bought for completed contracts.


For troopers.


The trooper is supposed to be a demigod of Special Forces, and yet the "standard" armour is heavy clunky stuff rather than light-but-protective stuff that allows the wearer to travel light. BBA Bounty Tracker does that.

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