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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Returning player


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Hey everyone,


I apologies if this isnt suppose to be here but I wanted abit of advice.


Ive been reading quite alot of my star wars novels recently and its got me in the mood to come back playing swtor, I started when it first came out but due to everyone else I was playing with quit and real life was quite hectic I had to leave. I came back abit after the new expansion the game is in now but then had computer issues so had to quit.


Now im back and generally wanted some advice, I live in england and I was looking for a friendly guild to join/server to play on and just any other general advice people feel is good?


I was wondering for experience it might be good to start a new toon and go from scratch to get into the story etc. Well thanks for reading this and I look forward to any feedback, ty!

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