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looking for afternoon (for NA) or late night (for EU) guild.


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Long time player returning after break (6mo), looking for afternoon (for NA) or late night (for EU) guild. A work schedule change, around the time of the Oricon raids, took me out of regular raiding schedule. Solo Q’ing PVP and pugging raids had lost it’s charm early in 4.0, so I took a break from the game. I am looking to return to PVE content and am searching for a group on a similar schedule. My play time can start no earlier than 5 pm (eastern), 2 pm (pac) or 10 pm (GMT+1).


What you get, veteran player with solid understanding of basic raid mechanics, min/maxing concepts and a mature attitude. Experienced with all the classes, all 16 the hard way (before XP boosts and buy a character options). Raid experience as both a tank (mostly Sin and PT) and DPS roles (mostly ranged). Sadly no heals, I just don’t enjoy it and have no interest.


I suffer no illusions about the current state of PVE or EA’s lack of commitment to 8-man content but I do still enjoy the gameplay and would like to find a group.


Thanks for your consideration, Tort

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  • 7 months later...

Good evening,


I hoped I could interest you in chatting about The Crimson Order [TCO] as an option for your guild home here over on Harbinger. TCO is a multi-game guild that has recently relocated our SWTOR chapter to the Harbinger server in order to rebuild it from the ground up here as a non-zerg, high quality, wrecking ball of a guild in TOR. You can find out more about our guild in general HERE, as well as our full recruitment post with details HERE. I'm also happy to answer any question you may have regarding the above documents, or anything NOT covered there. Hope to hear back soon, and have a great day.



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