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What is the max credits per toon? (for a sub)


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I remember reading it years ago... it was something in the billions, 2 or 3 or something, but the search on the forums is terrible and Google wasn't any more help, thanks to the billion threads and posts about F2P caps...


I'm cleaning up my various toons, moving stuff off parked toons to my mains... but don't want to "over move"...


Does anyone know and have a source for the ultimate credit limit per toon?

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Going Preferred?


Did you really need a guess?


Of course, as preferred the credits will be blocked anyway, but meh, who cares... there is nothing left to buy.


I had always thought I was a bit over 2 billion credits total... when it passed 3 billion I was mildly surprised... not quite 4 however...


I suppose I won the game, time to play something else...

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Did you really need a guess?


Of course, as preferred the credits will be blocked anyway, but meh, who cares... there is nothing left to buy.


I had always thought I was a bit over 2 billion credits total... when it passed 3 billion I was mildly surprised... not quite 4 however...


I suppose I won the game, time to play something else...


Not really. Impressive- I'd say there's still stuff but I haven't seen what KOTET will hold yet, I'm making up my own games at the moment, my KOTFE LS vs DS run involves how many times I can upset Koth. It'd be more fun if I could take a shot every time he disapproves but were it not a migraine trigger, I'd have passed out just doing four chapters today.


I've been playing for a year and few months and going straight from SOR to KOTFE just drives home how much weaker it was.

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