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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Player Moderators


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I don't support this, judging by how troll people can be its better that this kind of power remains in the right hands and only in the right hands so we avoid higher grade conflicts between players.


Even if they are people with clear backgrounds everyone gets mad at times or has bad days. And having an angry mod comming to the game to flamme players and then ban them as soons as they ask him to chill is not exactly the kind of experience people would like to have here.


On the good side it could be a nice perk to help fight gold spammers by having player mods that can ban those *********** but aside from that I don't see any good reason of why players should have this kind of power as I see reasons of how can they abuse it.


So my final answer is no.


Something that I would totally support is that instead of giving players mod perks is that they give trusty players who have helped to point out exploiters, credit sellers. Reported bugs or exploits. That have active subs and have been active and helpful to the game recieve a VIP player status.

This status should have a higher priority when reporting issues with the game and players.

So when the real mods recieve tons of reports those sent by VIP players should be checked and procesed ASAP since they come from trustworthy sources instead of having to read 1000 reports to players where 999 of them are just from salty players.

Power stays on the right hands so players doesn't abuse it. And if an issue is going on general chat people just need to get it to the ears of their local VIP.

Edited by Saito_Hiraga
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I don't support this, judging by how troll people can be its better that this kind of power remains in the right hands and only in the right hands so we avoid higher grade conflicts between players.


Even if they are people with clear backgrounds everyone gets mad at times or has bad days. And having an angry mod comming to the game to flamme players and then ban them as soons as they ask him to chill is not exactly the kind of experience people would like to have here.


On the good side it could be a nice perk to help fight gold spammers by having player mods that can ban those *********** but aside from that I don't see any good reason of why players should have this kind of power as I see reasons of how can they abuse it.


So my final answer is no.


Something that I would totally support is that instead of giving players mod perks is that they give trusty players who have helped to point out exploiters, credit sellers. Reported bugs or exploits. That have active subs and have been active and helpful to the game recieve a VIP player status.

This status should have a higher priority when reporting issues with the game and players.

So when the real mods recieve tons of reports those sent by VIP players should be checked and procesed ASAP since they come from trustworthy sources instead of having to read 1000 reports to players where 999 of them are just from salty players.

Power stays on the right hands so players doesn't abuse it. And if an issue is going on general chat people just need to get it to the ears of their local VIP.


I think the key is oversight. Any action requires justification and evidence. Other games including the one I mentioned have had these types of programs for years and they have been wildly successful- the same risks that you listed exist there but you can mitigate against them with proper systems. Steep penalties would be in place, including an account ban for abuse of privileges. Players who would be mods would have a lot of time invested into their account and this be a real incentive to behave.


The "good reason" is essentially to empower the right players to act as a more efficient extension of the developer's policies. Leverage the fact that a mod has a lot of server-specific knowledge on where trouble may arise that the developer can't hope to achieve because they don't play the game nearly as much. You also streamline and add efficiencies to the reporting process itself while enabling faster corrective action to be taken.


I can also think of a very specific instance where having player mods would retain subscriptions, and that's in solo ranked. Too often one person can throw games as a means of trolling (explicitly against the rules) and cause people to stop playing or unsubscribe out of frustration. Bioware often takes weeks to act, a player moderator could be much quicker while providing the proper evidence.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Those who become player moderators typically are nice people, especially when you add to the fact that they tend to risk having their own account banned if they abused their powers. Which usually weeds out the trolls as trolls want to get away with it, you screw up as a moderator and they know your account meaning they can do some things against you that you will feel.

From my various games all of these punishments have been doled out to player mods that abused their powers;

-had their characters stripped of all gear, given only very common gear (as in white gear) and all money removed

-lost every achievement they had earned and stripped of all special gear (as in event stuff, achievement earned stuff, any rare drops, etc)

-had all of their characters level changed to 1 (this was in a pure pvp game, which meant that everyone knew their character names thanks to being a mod and now they were the rabbits in a wolf den of people who would love to smack them down)

-had their account banned / deleted

-in one game every character on the account was permenantly flagged for FFA (free for all) PvP, meanign their own faction can kill them...and that game did not have the option to do that on your own!


With that kind of known blow back if you act like a troll as a player moderator? You won't have to worry about it.


As for the person worrying about language, I would argue that the person who is using the non-dominant language is the one that has to use the translator to put it into the dominant language. If you play on a server that uses predominantly English (NA servers, British servers, Oceanic servers that are typically full of Australians) then it is up to you to use English or be misunderstood. The same is if you are playing on a French server (need to use French), German server (use German) or any of the Spanish servers spread around the Americas and Europe (use Spanish).


And quite honestly I don't care what you are saying, if you are spamming it over and over you need muted.

- You don't need to post a guild recruit message every minute (honestly every 10-15 min is PLENTY, any more often than that and the spam the recruitment message is disrupting the chat)

- You don't need to spam trade offers every damn minute either (again, if you use trade channel and people weren't spamaholics every 5-10 min is plenty)

- If looking for a group to hit OPs or a HM FP (and you refuse to que up) you don't need to spam then either, once every 5 min has always gotten me results and I've never had to post more than 3 times. I play on Ebon Hawk (an RP server with a surprisingly very active unranked pvp population) and tend to play around midnight server time which is no where near any server's prime time.


Really other than those, why would you need to say the same exact thing over and over again?

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