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Will be there new war Empire vs Republic??


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Hi, guys!

I’ve had misgivings about the direction they were taking the story from the beginning. Rise of the Emperor (Ziost) was the last true ‘SWTOR’ story for me. I’m not that knowledgeable of the Star Wars Legends (Expanded Universe) but to me, it felt really weird introducing a third (powerful) faction into a Star Wars game (universe). It still feels weird. I want to be a part the classic light side verses the dark side struggle, The Empire verses the Republic/Rebels that is such an iconic part of Star Wars. Vanilla SWTOR started out like that, which was great. But that has now fallen by the way side completely which is such a shame.

I miss vanilla SWTOR where each of the 8 Classes had their own Stories and Companions. I miss the individual flavours the class stories had. The opportunity to play different, iconic roles in the Star Wars universe. That’s what was so great about SWTOR. KOTFE has taken away these flavourings and forced all of the iconic Star Wars roles into one story that doesn’t suit all of the ‘roles’. This ties into another one of my major issues with the KOTFE Story is it’s relevance to non force sensitive Classes. The story still doesn’t make any sense for non force sensitive characters. The story feels like it was designed for the Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior.


I feel that the KOTFE experiment failed(for me personaly). So, is there any chance that classic war Empire vs Republic will comeback?

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I tend to agree, I don't mind KOTFE but the original stuff was much better.


For obvious reasons they can't do 8 stories anymore, but 1 for each faction should still be feasible, and much better.


I'm an altoholic though so I spend most of my time in the 1-50 content.

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Most certainly, Star Wars history shows that these two sides absolutely CANNOT exist in harmony for any long period of time.


They could have the Alliance fracture after the game's story concludes however, if they wanted to continue rolling with a story that is the same for every character, Republic or Empire.


I hope that isn't going to be how SWTOR ends, but I don't think that the history of the Old Republic guarantees that we'll get a return to two faction stories in SWTOR.

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Actually would be nice if we were given a choice:


Return to your faction or continue with the alliance working with both sides that way a person can have a choice what they would like to do. There were threads even at launch that some people wanted to have "neutral" alignment that could work with both sides in some capacity. This would be a good way to give people that like this a choice.

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Well with the current leaders of both sides, chances are the war will resume.


It hasn't ended, so there is nothing to resume. We just haven't focused on it with the expansions after rise of the hutt cartel. Its even mentioned multiple times that the war is still going on even with both sides conquered by zakuul. A stupid move on their part to be sure, but to be expected when an idiot like saresh is in charge on the republic side of things. Probably encourage by zakuul if anything though, after all from arcann's point of view, as long as they're focused on each other they aren't a threat to him

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Actually would be nice if we were given a choice:


Return to your faction or continue with the alliance working with both sides that way a person can have a choice what they would like to do. There were threads even at launch that some people wanted to have "neutral" alignment that could work with both sides in some capacity. This would be a good way to give people that like this a choice.


I'd make more alts to be able to explore this if it happened. Considering how far we have from the current game era to when the movies start, there's ample centuries for so much to happen before the eventual fall of both the Empire and the Republic and the rise of the Galactic Republic we see later on that I wish the devs would take advantage of.

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What if ? When all this is said and done, and your Player sits up top of the Eternal Throne. Some small exploration crew Made up of some of your Allies. Which is made up a few Ex Republic members and a few Ex Imperial members. they were sent to a remote decimated planet that there is barely any life of any kind on it. With in its unstable mountain sides. Lies a ancient Rakata/Gree Technology that could of changed the out come of the Repub vs Imp War, if they were still at war, or any war. This was one of the things Valkorion was looking for he knew what it could do. But by the time he discovered it. The Player was on the brink of taking the Throne.


Soon the new Ruler will have the very best of the Republics own scientist and the Imperials Own Scientist, to figure out what it is. At some point one or the other side will figure it out before the other does. They decide to keep it to them selves, now it could of changed everything in their old war or any war for that matter. At some point the results leaked back to either the Pub Side that is still out in small amounts in the galaxy. Or could it be the Imps side that does that. Which suspicion breaks out amongst the alliance, slowly dissolving any trust at all. Those not part of any Factions, Your Rogues, Your Scums & Villains and your lost, & misfits, that just wanted to be part of something. They all take off for deep space and pick up where they left off in their meagerly lives. Leaving the remainder of the Alliance being of all Ex PUBS & IMPS.


Once the word is out that one side or the other knows what this Tech is, that is so Powerful. Suspicion turns to paranoia, and paranoia turns into actions and those that were and still are, spies that hold a grudge will soon figure it out whats going on, or one side will. No matter what side then, the New Emperor Being from Repub or Empire will be notified, that their Old foes know and have stolen the tech, and the Alliance maybe or IS over.


And in the words of a Future Yoda. " Begins, the cold war Has. " and with in months of this newest event, the first strikes from one of the sides, will Start the NEW STAR WARS between The Republic & Empire.


Of course Some of those new allies. Perhaps has grown fawned of their new found friends and dedication to their cause, stay with them. Now those that where on the Repub side are staying with the Empire and there are those doing the Opposite & even some of those Rogues and misfits stick with one side or the other as well.


So you see their is one way that the Old Way of the game could get back to the WAR between THE EMPIRE & THE REPUBLIC. But with a mixture of the Knight of the Fallen Empire and the new expansion intertwined together. And that it self could create new story lines for a long time to come.


But thats just my story in my head. lol

Take care & Be well....

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