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Won't there be lack of Tanks/healers in 5.0??


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I have 2 DPS ,4 heals, and 8 Tanks.


For my Heals and Tanks I'm only going to use them for guild ops runs, because people in GF can be jerks. :D


You actually get group finder queues to work? Most I've ever seen people do is form a group first then queue for GF! I've never seen anyone actually queue and get pulled into an ops! :eek:

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You actually get group finder queues to work? Most I've ever seen people do is form a group first then queue for GF! I've never seen anyone actually queue and get pulled into an ops! :eek:


TFPs, not Ops. Though I did (once) get into an Op via GF alone and not hanging around Fleet

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My "best" experience gameplay-wise since 4.0 has been with a tank character backed up by a healer companion. "Fastest" is double DPS, but you're a "glass cannon" team, you can get quickly overwhelmed by numbers, and it requires quite a bit of micromanagement of the companion. Healer PC with a tank companion is OK, but the companion won't reliably hold aggro on big pulls, and you have to be situationally aware at a higher level than as a tank player/heal companion. DPS player/tank companion works about the same way as healer PC//Tank Comp, there are different tradeoffs.


(By fastest, I mean, chews through individual pulls quicker. They didn't take any less time to complete the stories).


My tanks have progressed MUCH farther in TEC than my DPS or my healer, and the DPS that's progressed the farthest in TEC is a Vigilance Guardian, who is practically a minitank.


Right now, all my tanks for story content are running Tank with DPS comp. Including the majority of the lower end Heroics, from about 40 down, although, to be quite honest, I haven't swapped any of my DvL Guardian's comps to heals yet, and he's 55. I've read a lot over the years how much slower it is to level as a tank or a healer, but frankly, it's never been my experience in the actual game. In fact, I started my first assassin as DPS, and swapped it to tank at about 40 and never looked back, all 3.0 era.

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Right now, all my tanks for story content are running Tank with DPS comp. Including the majority of the lower end Heroics, from about 40 down, although, to be quite honest, I haven't swapped any of my DvL Guardian's comps to heals yet, and he's 55. I've read a lot over the years how much slower it is to level as a tank or a healer, but frankly, it's never been my experience in the actual game. In fact, I started my first assassin as DPS, and swapped it to tank at about 40 and never looked back, all 3.0 era.


I waffle between heal and DPS comps for my tank; depending on what I'm doing at the time. For open world adventuring, it's almost always DPS comp, but I'll swap to heal comp for some heroics and "important" fights, or if I know I'm distracted (arguing on the forums, for example); and, of course, if I'm soloing the Gree Event's Heroic. Can't solo those on a DPS yet, I've tried and gotten my head handed to me. Haven't recently tried a healer; and even if I did, I figure I'm enough out of practice that I shouldn't. Soloing them on a tank PC/heal comp is a bit tedious, and I tend to use my Heroic Moment close to cooldown, but I have done without entirely.

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I waffle between heal and DPS comps for my tank; depending on what I'm doing at the time. For open world adventuring, it's almost always DPS comp, but I'll swap to heal comp for some heroics and "important" fights, or if I know I'm distracted (arguing on the forums, for example); and, of course, if I'm soloing the Gree Event's Heroic. Can't solo those on a DPS yet, I've tried and gotten my head handed to me. Haven't recently tried a healer; and even if I did, I figure I'm enough out of practice that I shouldn't. Soloing them on a tank PC/heal comp is a bit tedious, and I tend to use my Heroic Moment close to cooldown, but I have done without entirely.


I can't even remember the last time I used my Heroic Moment, on purpose. I did use it once while trying to get on a speeder a couple of weeks back, which was funny, since I was in the middle of Kaas City, getting that lore object on the bridge... I did one run in the Gree event this last run, and did it with DPS/DPS. The Heroic got hairy, but I got it done.


Anyway, I prefer to keep my specs running as what I plan to play them, meaning my tanks are always tanks, and my healers are always healers. The only problem I ever had with this kind of set up was running Felix with my Sage healer, before all the changes went in, because he couldn't make up his mind if he was a ranged tank, or a melee tank...

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If I'm remembering correctly from what they've said about giving gear based on discipline, I'm reasonably certain you could do a bunch of stuff as DPS, swap to tank or healer, open the boxes, swap back, do more stuff, etc. Until you've got all or most of a set.
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If I'm remembering correctly from what they've said about giving gear based on discipline, I'm reasonably certain you could do a bunch of stuff as DPS, swap to tank or healer, open the boxes, swap back, do more stuff, etc. Until you've got all or most of a set.

Yeah, that's what Eric stated in the livestream.

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Tanks have problems? What?


I don't know, I have total 5 tanks and any time I want to play story I just take the DPS gear leftovers and it's laughably fast. With a shield and most of the left side tanking I am immortal, doing solid DPS and with a DPS companion ... oh boy :D It's fast. I dare to say it;s faster than DPS + DPS because I need less time to recover the health :D


Healers have problems and that's why most of my 40+ companions are on them =) OR they have unlocked field respec so I can change them on the field. But that's annoying since I tend to make mistakes(healing with AP cell etc.) and I am annoyed mostly with the need to place the skills on the right place AGAIN AND AGAIN... grrrr. (+ healing in DPS set isn't what I like :D) Honestly, if they managed the respec better I would have 1/3 of the characters as nowadays I have a character for almost every discipline I play(yes, I have 2 sentinels and third on the way with the same name).

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