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What the future holds


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This little series of scenes I just started writing as I haven't been working on either major story. They roughly follow on from each other and are assumed to take place sometime after Nathrrya has killed Paplatine before he could issue Order 66. They're very light hearted and not too serious.




“This is all your damned fault, Kenobi!” Nathrrya hissed through gritted teeth.


My fault?” the Jedi master asked incredulously looking at his wife as she lay on the bed in a great deal of pain. Child birth wasn’t exactly pleasant.


“I didn’t get this way on my own!” the woman shot back with a smile as she let her hand caress her swollen belly. “You helped and enjoyed yourself immensely.”


Obi-Wan chuckled. “I seem to recall that we both enjoyed ourselves.” he tried to stifle a grin but failed. “Need I remind you about your passion filled...” he was cut off by a nasty glare from the woman on the bed.


“Don’t you dare finish that sentience, Obi-Wan!” Nathrrya growled, while there was no real anger in her voice she made it clear that what they got up to in the bedroom should stay there.


Wisely Obi-Wan didn’t comment further, he didn’t want to see his wife angry. He’d seen a glimpse of her true power only once and that had been when she’d duelled Sidious to the death. Even now he could still recall the aftermath of that fateful duel within the Senate debating chamber. Nathrrya lay flat on her back, her robes in tatters her hair and skin an ashen grey colour due to the effects of the Dark Side. She had looked like your stereotypical horror vid zombie. He and Anakin had rushed to her side.


Obi-Wan smiled at what had happened next, he had then done the seemingly unthinkable for a Jedi; he confessed his love for the female dark side force user, practically in front of the entire galaxy. The smile he’s gotten from her had been worth it. Nathrrya was so exhausted that Obi-Wan had carried her, bridle style back to the Jedi Temple but true to form she had managed to crack a joke or two about it.


Nathrrya grinned as she tried to get comfortable. “I think I must be the first force user who’s been followed around by a pack of holonet reporters. It wasn’t this bad even during the Clone Wars.”


The Jedi master had to agree as he looked out the window of the healer’s wing of the Jedi Temple. Even now he could still see a fairly large gathering of holonet reporters. Force only knew what they were broadcasting to the wider galaxy. “Yes you made quite the splash once people figured out you were going to have a youngling.” Obi-Wan wondered when his life had become so surreal. First he’d married a Sith, now they were about to welcome their first child.


The Sith master snorted. “Even the fabled Jedi robes couldn’t hide my baby bump.” Nathrrya could still recall the... drama that had unfolded when her friend Padme had taken her to the same maternity shop Padme had used when she’d been pregnant with Anakin’s twins. Not that she minded. Nathrrya was known for being blunt and to the point so why should she hide the fact she was going to have a youngling?




“A baby girl.” Obi-Wan said with pride several hours later as the little bundle was handed to Nathrrya.


Nathrrya was tired but happy as she took the baby from Obi-Wan, she looked at her daughter and smiled “Welcome to the world, Tara Therin-Kenobi.” The baby just made soft cooing sounds.


“Tara?” Obi-Wan asked thoughtfully “Is there a story attached to the name?”


Nathrrya nodded “There is. I had a friend called K’antara but I always called her Tara. She was a Sith warrior like me. Last time I saw her was not long before I got the call from Darth Marr. Tara had just discovered she was pregnant with her second child.” The woman grinned “What in the galaxy her mother, Darth Nox was thinking when she told her 10 year old granddaughter how babies are made I don’t know but it worked, Tara got pregnant again.” Obi-Wan looked dumbfounded and the Sith giggled. “Yeah that was much the reaction Leyland, Tara’s husband had.” She looked down at the bundle in her arms “Tara named her first child Natalie, I felt greatly honoured and promised myself that if I ever had a daughter that I’d name her Tara in honour of my friend.” As Nathrrya spoke several tears rolled down her face.


Obi-Wan smiled softly “Promise fulfilled my dear.” He said leaning in to kiss his wife.




The young girl was hunched over the computer terminal in the Temple Archives. Her head was hurting and she needed to finish cramming for her upcoming exams.


The subject was on the particular forms of lightsaber combat. However, instead of researching those known Jedi masters who perfected the forms she was studying, she ended up searching her mother's name instead. She frowned and scrolled through the archives from the Clone Wars and read through the reports and accounts of the mysterious red headed woman who seemingly came out of nowhere.


Tara had read these over and over and there was nothing new to them. She supposed she kept doing this because she wanted something to be different. She felt watched all the time because of the near intergalactic fame her mother had garnered over the years. She led several battles against the Separatists as well as against the Trade Federation and had become known as ‘The Dauntless Resolute’ in the same way her father and uncle were 'The Negotiator' and 'The Hero with no Fear'. Tara’s mother had single-handedly destroyed the one power that was instigating it all, managed to change a thousand year old rule in the Jedi Temple, married a Jedi and eventually had her. Tara was born into a stardom that she didn't want.


"Your mother uses a form very different from the Jedi, Tara."


"Daddy!" The young girl stood up and looked down at the holo image of her mother before looking at him. He had that serene look about him like he usually had. She could see the stubble on his chin but she knew her mother was going to make him shave it again in a day or two. "How long have you been there?"


"Truthfully, since the day you were born." Tara didn't roll her eyes like she normally would have. Somehow she had the feeling she wasn't talking to her father, but one of the Jedi Masters of the temple.


"Tara, do you have any intentions of going through with the exams, or going for your trials?" The look Obi-Wan got from the girl was enough for him not to need her to answer.


"Daddy...I just. I don’t know what I'm doing here. I feel like I'm here only because I'm force sensitive. I'm barely making it as it is, and I just feel like it’s because Mother will be scrutinized if I don't make it."


"It sounds to me more like you've already made your decision." He frowned sadly at his daughter. "I just wished you would have told us." And that we saw it sooner, he thought.


She looked down and fought back unwanted tears. Obi-Wan walked up to the girl and wrapped her in his arms, allowing her to lean against him. "Daddy, I can't tell her. She'll be so disappointed in me."


The Jedi master let out a sigh. "She'll be more disappointed if you don't. Your mother doesn't take betrayal very well and its worse when it's from someone she loves."


Obi-Wan knew the word was harsh but there was no better way to describe the reaction from his wife about the situation at hand. Some day he'll have to tell Tara about her mother's true past.


"Come on. You're done cramming for an exam you're not going to take. Let's go talk to your mother."




The conversation with Nathrrya didn't go well, for Tara or her father. Several times her mother's eyes went yellow and she knew her mother was struggling to keep her composure. Tara had never seen her so angry or disappointed in her life, especially towards her. So, she retreated to her room and left her father to tame the beast while she sat on the windowsill and cried. She had her head in her arms when a tapping came on the glass. She turned her head and saw Galen's concerned eyes through her muted reflection in the glass.


"Hey, what happened?" Galen opened the window from the other side and sat next to his girl on the windowsill.


She had leaned her head against his shoulder and he instinctively began to play with the muted red locks of her hair. "I thought you would be at the temple cramming for the exams tomorrow."


Tara shook her head. "I'm not taking them," she said. Galen was surprised.


"What do you mean? You've been working your rear end off for this for years!"


"I've been working my rear end off to protect my mother from being scrutinized," she clarified. It took Galen a moment to realize what she meant, and he understood.


"Oh, Tara..."


The boy wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders and held her to him. He looked out at the Coruscant skyline at the dark blue night sky and the glittering skyways with speeders zipping here and there. Tara looked out as well and tried to focus on something other than what was happening in her life right now.


"What do you plan to do?"


The girl shrugged. "I've always had a fascination with blasters," she said. "Maybe I'll join the military...or become an operative." When she yawned Galen rolled his eyes. He climbed fully into her room and carried the girl to her bed and set her down in it. She wouldn't let go, however, and that resulted in him being pulled down as well.


"You realize we could get caught, right?" He snuggled close to her neck and kissed it.


"Not if you're shielding. Besides, Mother probably already knows you're here."


He groaned and tried to pull away but Tara held fast. He finally gave up and just settled in, dealing an arm over her waist and letting her snuggle into the front of his body. He knew Tara well enough now that she wouldn't go further than this, even though he could tell how badly she wanted to. Eventually they both fell asleep like that.




“Will you be alright my dear?” Obi-Wan asked after getting his wife to calm down enough, which had been no easy task.


Nathrrya nodded as she let out a heavy sigh. “I could have handled the news better. If only Tara had told us, told me sooner.” She looked up at the ceiling “I should have seen the signs honestly.”


“We both should have.” Obi-Wan admitted “Tara has the force but sometimes people are not destined to be in the order.”


Nathrrya sat up suddenly and cocked her head to the side then smiled “Good old Galen. Just what Tara needs right now.”


Obi-Wan looked truly puzzled which made Nathrrya chuckle “He’s just climbed through Tara’s bedroom window.”


“WHAT!?” yelled Obi-Wan shocked.


“Oh behave! It’s not the first time he’s snuck into see her. Nor is it the first time they’ll spend the night together.” Nathrrya raised a hand before the Jedi master could speak “Don’t worry they haven’t done anything they shouldn’t. I should have realised sooner that Tara wasn’t cut out to be a Jedi.”


“She was looking at holos of you again today; we’re going to have to tell soon you know.”


The Sith snorted. “I’m surprised she hasn’t flat out asked. But you’re right we need to tell her and Galen about my past. That’s going to be such a fun conversation.” Nathrrya sighed not looking forward to it with any great enthusiasm. “Let’s go to bed it can keep till tomorrow.”

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I'm glad you decided to post this story. I enjoy your take on Obiwan, as always he's clever and witty and I enjoy him with Nat. I see a lot of potential for story with Tara and her parents and look forward to it. ^^ Edited by Lunafox
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I'm glad you decided to post this story. I enjoy your take on Obiwan, as always he's clever and witty and I enjoy him with Nat. I see a lot of potential for story with Tara and her parents and look forward to it. ^^


Glad you've enjoyed it so far Luna. I don't think this will be all that long but you never know. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am hoping that i didn't just read what you have planned for TDS that would really be upsetting as I quite enjoy that story and hope you will return to it soon. but i degress if this is an indication of what you have planned it leaves me wondering what happened between obi-wan and padawan Tachi. all in all, not a bad little side peice it shows good depth of character and as luna said you can see the potential for a great story line folowing Tara and her parents' reactions Edited by ssppeeiirr
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I am hoping that i didn't just read what you have planned for TDS that would really be upsetting as I quite enjoy that story and hope you will return to it soon. but i degress if this is an indication of what you have planned it leaves me wondering what happened between obi-wan and padawan Tachi. all in all, not a bad little side peice it shows good depth of character and as luna said you can see the potential for a great story line folowing Tara and her parents' reactions


Too some degree you have. That's why I've been as vague as I can be. This actually started more by accident.


Now if I were to reveal what happens between Obi-Wan and Siri, well that WOULD really be spoiling things for TDS.

But I'm glad you've enjoyed this look at what might be.

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Wow. Just wow. This is flat-out-amazing, I love it! Although your approach of revealing the ending to one of your (sort-of) currently running stories is...interesting. One thing I'd love to find out is how well you can portray the reactions of Jedi Masters like Mace Windu, Yoda and co. to Nyth and Obi getting married...that'll be some hilarious fireworks!
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Wow. Just wow. This is flat-out-amazing, I love it! Although your approach of revealing the ending to one of your (sort-of) currently running stories is...interesting. One thing I'd love to find out is how well you can portray the reactions of Jedi Masters like Mace Windu, Yoda and co. to Nyth and Obi getting married...that'll be some hilarious fireworks!


Heh, I did this while I was in a bit of a lull and couldn't get motivated to work on TDS and I wanted to write something a little silly and off the wall. So yeah the ending sort of snuck in. Or rather what I have in mind. Anyway glad you enjoyed it all the same. As for the Jedi Masters reactions... you never know :D

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