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Personal Aligment DOES AFFECT DvL struggle in 5.0


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what bothers me about this is... if I'm understanding correctly, say I chose to fight for the dark side on my light sided character... it will affect my personal alignment to the point where I cannot use alignment titles? so essentially I cannot chose a different side from personal alignment unless I'm either willing to keep losing if the server I'm on leans more to the dark side or lose acess to rewards I have earner previously (titles) it seems incredibly shortsighted to me unless I'm misunderstanding. then again... shortsighted seems to be the name of the game with 5.0 in general
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Eric's remarks suggest that killing NPCs, doing missions, and really doing anything in the game (with the toggle on) will all generate points for Light or Dark (personal alignment and server alignment) depending on which side you fight for:


That was my understanding as well. The question, for me, is whether participation is optional. I really hope so because I hate the possibility that my characters' alignments will now be determined by killing random pirate #24789 rather than his or her story choices.

Edited by OrangeHarry
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what bothers me about this is... if I'm understanding correctly, say I chose to fight for the dark side on my light sided character... it will affect my personal alignment to the point where I cannot use alignment titles? so essentially I cannot chose a different side from personal alignment unless I'm either willing to keep losing if the server I'm on leans more to the dark side or lose acess to rewards I have earner previously (titles) it seems incredibly shortsighted to me unless I'm misunderstanding. then again... shortsighted seems to be the name of the game with 5.0 in general


That is my understanding as well. Whichever side you choose to support will also affect your personal alignment.

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That was my understanding as well. The question, for me, is whether participation is optional. I really hope so because I hate the possibility that my characters' alignments will now be determined by killing random pirate #24789 rather than his or her story choices.


I can't see how it would be. BioWare is pushing this new ongoing event system and I think they are forcing everybody to pick a side and contribute. It would be nice if it was optional, but that does not seem to be the case based on the rhetoric BioWare has used so far. I think we will be forced to support one side or the other.

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