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I refuse to PVE so I can PVP......


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Also, how exactly is it offset? I deal 55% more damage, but take 35% less damage from expertise.


So you do exactly the same damage if both you and your opponent don't have expertise. The same with trauma - expertise gives some % more healing

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Also, how exactly is it offset? I deal 55% more damage, but take 35% less damage from expertise.


Trauma indeed. And I think you figured out the math from others to show that you get the exact reduction of the damage increase. It was just their way of making PvP gear better than any other gear for PvP only.

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Trauma indeed. And I think you figured out the math from others to show that you get the exact reduction of the damage increase. It was just their way of making PvP gear better than any other gear for PvP only.


I already know the reason. The numbers just looked off until i realized the damage reduction was multiplicative.

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Guys, listen to me for a sec!

You try to reignite the PvE vs PvP war, implying that an occasional/regular PvPer will have harder time to get their gear than PvEer, but you have many false assumptions:

1. You say you spend only a few hours max in the game. You know who else spends only a few hours in the game? Occasional/regular raiders. They don't spend more time online than you do, and in that time they can do 1-2 ops, while you can do dozens of wzs.

2. You say NiM ops give most Cxp. Ranked wz will give comparable and while NiM ops are literally impossible without proper gear, you can win ranked wz simply by skill superiority. Note that I'm talking about the first phase of KotET, when NOONE will have BiS gear. Ranked will only require Valor, which I assume you have, therefore you can jump immediately into it (since every gear will be crappy anyway), while NiM raiders will have to farm a lot of gear before even touching the highest level of opses.


Am I saying PvPers get off easy? NO. Am I saying they get off easier? Yes. NiM raiders will have a hard time to get all the BiS gear, which is not that strictly required in PvP, where class knowledge is more emphasized. All I'm saying is that this situation isn't another PvP vs PvE. You shouldn't be fighting to gear progression without PvE. That's how it will work. You should rather be fighting with others to remove the RNG from the system. That's what will broke gearing, not PvE. It should be playerbase vs devs.


THIS +1 char

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THIS +1 char


Anyone who thinks Ranked is going to be easier to gear up from in the medium to long term, or that PvPers are going to have an easier time than raiders is sorely mistaken.


Once you master a PvE operation, you can farm it. Over, and over, and over and over ad infinitum.


There IS no mastering ranked. There is always a better team - until someone dominates everything. And you know what happens then? Everyone else stops queuing ranked. People stopped queuing even after they implemented an expertise gate *ensuring* everyone had good gear. What do you think is going to happen when there are people of all different tiers queuing?


Have a think about that.

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Just read more info on the topic. I'm sorry but for the first time in almost a full 5 years to the day I've unsubbed. GL guys. I'll pop back in after 6 months or so to see how it pans out (hopefully for the better) but I'm not gambling with real money in any hopes whatsoever that the DEV team here cares about PVP. I will miss it for sure (current system) but I'm not paying to stick around. 13 days left to play so I'll enjoy it while it lasts on The Cov...
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