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"Visas Marr's veil" / hide hoods !!!


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There are numerous Game robes that are equipped with hoods.

If you play a Togruta or if you wear an certain helmet then the hood is hidden.

This works for most items quite well but not at "Visas Marr's veil".


There are only a few robes where the veil and hood harmonize well together.

Most others look like this...







It's awful!


And even if the hood and veil harmonize I wonder why

you should wear a hood over the veil. If I buy this item

I'd rather see the veil as the hood.


My request is as follows ...

...Please ensure that hoods are hidden if you wear "Visas Marr's veil"!


Or what even better would be ...

... let decide the player himself when the hood is hidden and when not!

Much like you can hide in the adjustment menu's "headdress" or its

an & off "corrupt the dark side".


Sorry for my bad english. It's not my first language. ;)

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