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Two really bad bugs! Help!


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Hello, I would like to report two really bad bugs. 1st bug: on my sith warrior dravin-x I don't have knights of the fallen empire in my mission log. I can't play knights of the fallen empire or turn in supply crates. i'm locked out of the command center on odessen. 2nd bug: on my sith sorcerer morguss, im i was trying to turn in supply crates after doing weekly missions in order to lvl up my companion so that i could fininsh play knights of the fallen empire. I tried to travel to contact to Dr. Oggurobb and my character morguss is frozen like it's trying to log into one of the chapters of knights of the fallen empire. I waited for 10 mins and it would not load in. Please fix this so i can play on my my sith warrior dravin-x and my sith sorcerer morguss. I just re-subbed after a long break . all of my other characters are working fine. Thank you. :(
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