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What would you love to see added to Star Wars?


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I had idea of New Republic establishing new military unit called Force Guard. It would eventually join as part of Jedi Order once Jedi Order decided to leave New Republic during conflict with Abeloth.

It would be made up of ordinary people who would be trained in same ways as Jedi. They would not be force sensitives like Jedi, they would never be able to use Force to move star destroyers, but as Force lives is part of everything living it would grant most experienced users faster reflexes and possibly some limited protection against weaker force attacks or manipulations. Moving tiny objects might also be possible for most experienced users. They would adopt Jedi code and live like Jedi. They would take care of Jedi order`s funding and supplies and every task where ordinary Jedi would just be waste.

Force Guard would also be trained like ordinary soldiers, and would be used like ordinary military unit, expect it would be used both on ground and space (basically anywhere where Jedi are used). It would be armed with almost standard military equipment, difference being that blaster rifles would have light saber styled bayonet attached, as it would allow unit to fight against light saber users and to deflect some blaster bolts.

Units of force guards would be lead by Jedi equipped in same way but with lightsaber included. Altough not capable of most demanding Jedi tasks, it would be huge reinforcement to Jedi Order. Instead of having to send 10 Jedi to deal with something, they could send 1 Jedi and 100 Force guards, allowing Jedi to be used to tasks that only a Jedi could do. When supported by Force Guard, Jedi could be spread to deal with 10 times more tasks.

It would also reinforce public`s faith and relations in Jedi.


Jedi could theoretically be attached to army command, but its not really something that happens a lot. Army commanders don´t know how to utilize Jedi best, and Jedi don`t know how to command soldiers the best. Having Force Guard incorporated to Jedi Order would create even more effective fighting formations than Clone Troopers and Jedi formed during Clone Wars. And it would also be far better at peace keeping operations than Jedi + regular army would be.

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I would like to see the Force abolished entirely. It'll never happen, but Star Wars is so much more interesting without magic.

I get that. But as long as force and other magic stuff is extremely rare (only in games and other media it is not rare just like main characters are not rare) i don`t mind. And i like force as it is in Legends. Sometimes Legends was crap ofc.

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I would like to see the Force abolished entirely. It'll never happen, but Star Wars is so much more interesting without magic.


Then you'd have a generic sci-fi movie that would be crushed by Star Trek, which is an overall better movie in the sci-fi department. the most interesting thing, and perhaps the only thing saving Star Wars from not being over-shadowed, is the space magic and space magic drama that comes with it.

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