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(Blood Hunt) Jos and Valk are hackers


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I ended up in a blood hunt tactical recently. I ended up doing some tanking for our little ragtag group (lot of us were low level). Not newbs, but low level characters.


On one attempt, after both Jos and Valk have come down together, I was roughly in the middle (a few paces away from it, but close enough that the normal knockback would not knock me off the ledge). I'm hitting at them, trying to make sure I maintain aggro.


Then one of them does some kind of hack move: I get knocked back and as I'm midway through the air, my screen goes black (I legit thought my computer had died or something) and then I appear outside, alive.


Obviously I'm kidding about calling them hackers, but whatever that move was, it was clearly not an intended move. I get that if you get knocked off the platform you're out, but this was not that. It was pretty irritating too because it was a good attempt and we'd done a good job of avoiding the real knockback so far.


Please do something about this fight. Even if it's a bandaid. It's sorely in need of a fix. Not only is it overtuned for what can easily be a group of 4 mid level DPS, but the knockback crap is wonky as hell. Sometimes it glitches to your advantage, where you go flying off the ledge down toward the lava and then it warps you back up onto the platform.


Honestly, my recommendation is... for tactical, just turn the knockback off. Unless and/or until you have time to go in and do detailed fixes. Just doing that would probably solve the worst of its problems. I know it would be gutting part of the fight, but I mean, it's tactical. People just want to get in and get out. That's how the mode is designed.



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