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Add multi-player vehicles


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It should be a subscriber-only feature, but it'd be truly awesome if we could get some multi-player vehicles. This would add greatly to the interaction between players.


A new variant of the "+" button attached to the edge of the selected-player portrait would allow a driver to invite any same-faction player to ride in the active multi-player vehicle.


If a player summons a multi-player vehicle, she'll be driving around in a vehicle that can accept some number of additional passengers. Any group members or ride-invitees would find a click-point anywhere an open seat is located in the vehicle, and if they click while in-range they get placed into the seat of the vehicle and are then on-board. If the driver de-summons the vehicle then all passengers are deposited on the ground along with the driver.


The most harmonious multi-player vehicle would be one that holds 4 players since that's the basic group size. Being able to shuttle the group through difficult areas safely to another location would be really fun and would enhance team-play!

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Multi-character vehicles are ... weird in my experience.


In Runes of Magic, server-client sync flakiness caused all manner of problems:

  • Can't hit that mob two inches in front of me because it is too far away.
  • Can't hit that mob ten feet in front of me because it is behind me.
  • Can't see that mob because there is a six-inch-high bump in the ground between my toes and its toes (since we all know that toes are for looking at things with, while the things we call eyes are just decoration for the face).
  • Can't stay alive on that rope because the client thinks I'm still on it, while the server thinks I fell off, and they disagree enough that the server resolves it by killing my character.

The last one is the key to the issues with two-seat mounts in RoM, where there are now *three* machines involved in the sync issues, and it led to the frequent deaths of passengers on two-seat mounts. These deaths were so frequent that when they announced the impending release of a SIX-seat mount, it was derided as a way to troll five other players at once... (Have slightly flaky Internet access, accept five passengers, ride to the announced destination, and let the sync issues kill them.)


In ArcheAge, on the other hand, they were quite reliable, and sync issues merely caused the passenger to fall off. Some mounts (notably the farm vehicles) could even carry multiple passengers, although they had to just stand on top of it, and were more prone to falling off than "formal" passengers. The only oddity was what happened if someone on a two-seat animal mount tagged you with a "follow" command and you then got on the mount. The mount would keep turning to face you, but of course you were in a fixed position *behind* it. The mount would twitch like crazy.

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If they add multi-player vehicles they should also add a Legacy perk for increased vehicle defense while carrying passengers.


Adding +10% Dodge Chance for each passenger seems like a good defense mechanic, and it makes some sense since each passenger could be helping defend the vehicle while in-transit. So, a vehicle carrying 3 passengers would get +30% Dodge Chance.


If a vehicle were added that carried even more than 4 people, more passengers beyond the first 3 should probably only add +5% Dodge Chance each. So in the extreme case of an 8-person vehicle, the first 3 passengers would add the +30% Dodge Chance and the other 4 passengers would add another +20% Dodge Chance.


Of course, I don't know what the actual % Dodge Chance is with Speeder Piloting 1 2 and 3, so these % numbers might need to be adjusted to give reasonable Dodge Chance %'s for all 3 levels of Speeder Piloting.

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