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Useless Butler Robots & Other Crew Members


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Am I correct in thinking that you increase the affection level of crew members to see more of their story lines. or does that happen automatically as you grow in levels? Otherwise what is the point in increasing their affection? And as for the pansy butler robot. Is there any reason to increase his affection? Does he have stories or adventures? Cheers!
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The switch from affection to influence changed how companion quests work. They are triggered by class story progression instead of influence. Influence only affects crafting and combat. If you use your ship's droid for either of those you will want to raise their influence, if you don't then don't raise their influence. Sadly the ship's droids, KotFE companions & cartel market companions have no quests to unlock. A couple of the cartel market companions have emotes that unlock, but not all of them.
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