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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mass Effect tribute N7 armors for swtor,or other ones.


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I already see the answers from other players -


Unknown said:

No,Absolutely no.


Well,id like have armor N7 in swtor,even if that be without logo N7,and pet Normandy ship without logo [poiting on existing speeders in game that do have shape of Normandy].So it wont be so obvious where its come from,even if that be obvious.


There could be few other armors from other games maybe even from star wars universe older games.


I not intend change Swtor™ to Mass Effect™ or something else,but it would be fine have some way that we could actualy costume play ours favorite characters from swtor and outside swtor as well,if that be atleast partialy related to space or star wars,we actualy cos play everyday when we change apearance on ours characters in outfit designer,so this give many possible options of outfits/armors.




Well few game creators making propagation moves in one game to another game and even back,like placing somewhere hiden non intrusive advertise ,or switched armors or even weapons,but thats rare case [ see in swtor that big anti tank sniper rifle from Mass Effect would be nice,but since there is no zoom,it would be only next handgun :(].

I know the Mass Effect is completely unrelated to Star Wars ,but its bit simliar in few points,and in others completely different.



Sidepart,partialy unreleated.


Hmm,i dont know why,for me the Galen Marek Look alike Thexan litle.



Well i hoped i someday see in swtor Tuxedo/Smoking for gunslinger to he would look like Hitman ™,and operative armor would be alike Adam Jensen armor from Deus Ex:H R™ and even operative could release one or two blades/knives like him if he would be cyborg ,but there is problem,those are Trade Marks of Square Enix and Eidos interactive i think.So that wont happend probably anytime soon.

The Tuxedo/Smoking would be probably possible if it would be without red tie and would be partialy related to kingpin blaster rifle[it do look like classic Thompson rifle],there is one thing in game Hitman,its possible play it in armor from Deus Ex,probably propagation move to the other game.




I not intended irk people.


Ps: Too bad, the Nathan Filion did not voice act some Smuggler in swtor it could be good move,or bad... but still atleast some reminder of tv show classic Firefly,that many people does not have clue what that is,would be fine.


PPs: Maybe this wasnt best idea :( .



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