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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf Blood Hunt HM so people can complete it for DvL!


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It has been a struggle for some. Plenty of folks have completed HM BH and have received the Legendary Level. This thread might have an ounce of credibility if no one could complete it, but that's not the case. Just because the OP and "others" claim it's too hard doesn't mean BioWare has to get the nerf bat. Difficulty is subjective. People will whine and complain about anything just because they believe they are entitled to certain rewards. It's time for folks to stop whining and actually earn something that is more than capable of being finished.


Interesting. Your opinion has been noted but doesn't align with BW's stance. BW has nerfed things for far less just because they wanted too.


As I stated HM FPs should be a stepping stone to SM OPs then HM Ops. Not harder than SM Ops. As it stands there are a few HM FPs that are harder than SM Ops.

A FP should not require complete perfect trinity, rotation, augments, and highest parsing DPS.

You should be able to be a bit lower geared & still complete it. Yet HM BH is exactly the opposite. You have to have the perfectly geared with set bonus, trinity set, augmented & rotations perfected. Your DPS can not be lacking at all or it's done for. Margin for error in a FP should a lot higher than even an SM Ops.


So just because "plenty" have done it, doesn't mean it's constantly doable by everyone. Players also who have completed every thing in Legendary but are struggling with that one set because of HM BH should not be punished either & told basically "well better luck next time; if there is a next time that is".

I'm all for challenges but this is too far IMO.

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You should be able to be a bit lower geared & still complete it. Yet HM BH is exactly the opposite. You have to have the perfectly geared with set bonus, trinity set, augmented & rotations perfected. Your DPS can not be lacking at all or it's done for. Margin for error in a FP should a lot higher than even an SM Ops.



I'll just leave this here:


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BioWare nerfs what it believes is not working as intended based on its own metrics. It does not nerf things people whine about.


That is your opinion. In my opinion, hard mode flashpoints should be... hard. Operations (especially story mode) are easy. Oftentimes, they are easier than flashpoints because you have more players at your disposal. With flashpoints, there is less margin for error.


I suppose it's a good thing Blood Hunt HM and none of the other HM FPs require "complete perfect trinity, rotation, augments, and highest parsing DPS." As I already stated previously, I was in 208s with augments and no set piece bonus as the tank (the person taking most of the damage). I did just fine.


That's right. This is your opinion. When was Legendary Level ever promised to "everyone"? It is Legendary Level, after all. I was under the impression it was only for those who could achieve it. That level of challenge may be discouraging to you, but again plenty have already finished it.


I know quite a few folks who hate PvP, yet they sucked it up and did the 15 warzones and 5 GSF matches. That, to them, in many ways was far worse than how some perceive Blood Hunt HM or any other flashpoint. It's not impossible. It's not even really hard. Know your class and know the mechanics. It's easier than you think.

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