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So Z0-0M is amazing,but we need a customization for her already i would even settle for a Hk theme one i didn't like the ones we got for the other 2 droids cause i really dont use them but i do like using Z0-0M as my companion.


I would like a shroud customization for her :D or the Exarch's customization as well seeing as she can change her appearance and these are 2 instances she does.

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I would like a shroud customization for her :D or the Exarch's customization as well seeing as she can change her appearance and these are 2 instances she does.


If she's a shapeshifter, then what about ALL previous comp customs working on her? :D


This could just be fore walking around, and she could change back to normal in a fight to forgo any weirdness with the animations.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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If she's a shapeshifter, then what about ALL previous comp customs working on her? :D


This could just be fore walking around, and she could change back to normal in a fight to forgo any weirdness with the animations.


This is pure gold.


However, only companions that she could actively have met (no companion customizations that the STORY hasn't given you yet).

Edited by Nempo
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If she's a shapeshifter, then what about ALL previous comp customs working on her? :D


This could just be fore walking around, and she could change back to normal in a fight to forgo any weirdness with the animations.


She also reminds me of PROXY from the force unleashed series anyone else see it?

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  • 1 month later...
If she's a shapeshifter, then what about ALL previous comp customs working on her? :D


This could just be fore walking around, and she could change back to normal in a fight to forgo any weirdness with the animations.


Or even randomly changing who she is for each fight. Maybe have 10 slots for customizations and have her randomly change between states.


(I know it would be far too much coding for it, but it'd be so f-ing cool)

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This is pure gold.


However, only companions that she could actively have met (no companion customizations that the STORY hasn't given you yet).


When you play a character that has earned Z0-0M, she would only shape shift between your character's companions. I'd still support it.

Edited by Darth_Krushya
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Having ZO-OM appear like a companion that I already have is such a boring option to me.

I'd rather see the devs focus on giving all of our CM companions an equal amount of unique customization options. All that is required is to change the colors. Some CM pack companions have two customizations available but most of them have none.

Edited by JediRelentless
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