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Showdown with Lord Sadic Jedi Knight Mission Text Error


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So I'm playing a Jedi Sentinel, and I finish the mission "Striking Back", and I get the next mission, "Showdown with Lord Sadic". I look at my Codex, and I realise that the mission text makes no sense. Reproduced exactly below, and this isn't an isolated case, as I found out when I looked up the mission online.


"You are on Nar Shaddaa to lock down the Power Guard project and find Agent Galen. You’ve found Agent Galen in the Imperial weapons factory, but he’s been transformed into a Mark III Power Guard.


Lord Sadic forced Agent Galen to attack you, but you defeated him. Speak to Agent Galen in the weapons factory in the Lower Industrial Sector to see if he has any last words."


And well, I haven't fought him yet, and so this is clearly the last bit of mission text somehow being replicated as the first bit. Minor issue, I know, but thought I'd point it out anyway, since I don't take it should take too much work to fix it. Oh, and another small issue. The Euphoric Corellian Bracers are listed as "Euphoric Corellian bracers" when the mouse goes over the icon.

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I can confirm this bug. And it happens with other missions too. We could dedicate a whole thread to this type of bug probably. It would suck if you were new and took a look at your codex, only to have a spoiler in the entry about the upcoming mission.


The other thing that could get its own thread is subtitle corrections, as there are gobs of errors I've seen. It's not fair to people that depend on them.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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