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Level 60 Female Miraluka mask bug from character creation to in-game


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I've been trying to create a new level 60 character, a female Miraluka. I progress through Character Creation, making all my choices, including a specific mask (#4 on the slider), however, something seems to go wrong after I've made all my choices and clicked on the "Play" button, because once my character appears in-game she is equipped with a different mask (#1 on the slider) to the one I selected during Character Creation! I've now tested this four times, deleting the character after checking in-game that the equipped mask is not the one I selected. I've even tried selecting a different mask during Character Creation (so far I've tried #7 and #6 on the slider) but once in-game the character is equipped with a different mask. It seems to be defaulting to the #1 mask for some reason.


I've also tried creating a new level 1 character, using exactly the same selections in Character Creation, but once in-game that character's mask is the one I selected in Character Creation. So the problem only seems to be with level 60 characters.


I've tried running some searches on the internet to see if this is a known problem, but wasn't able to find anything that specifically relates to the issue I have. So, what am I supposed to do now? I want to create a level 60 female Miraluka but not with mask #1, I want mask #4! Is there a solution, or am I wasting my time?


Any help and / or advice would be greatly appreciated. Really hoping someone can provide a solution, as I'm out of ideas on what to try! :(


EDIT: Figured I'd add a couple of screenshots to show what's happening.


The character I create:



At this point I clicked on the "Play" button, watched the KotFE intro's and once my character was actually in-game I simply logged out and took the following screenshot at the Character Selection screen of the same character that the game created!


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Adding an update. Decided to once again recreate the new level 60 female Miraluka but this time I wasn't going to delete the character. Once in-game I collected all mail, set up the UI etc, and then logged off as maintenance was approaching. Logged back into the game about 30 minutes ago, selected that new character and logged into the game world. Still no change, the mask didn't suddenly revert to the one I'd selected at character creation, but then I didn't expect it would! Anyway, I then created an in-game bug report regarding this issue with the selected mask being changed to mask #1 every time and submitted that. Then figured I'd check this thread to see if there had been any replies from anyone and, sadly, not a single one! I'm now wondering if I'm just wasting my time with this, looking at the other bug report threads in these forums shows one very obvious thing, official replies from anyone at BioWare are very few and far between! How is anyone supposed to know whether their report has been, or will be, passed on to someone at BioWare for further investigation? Is it really too much effort for BioWare staff to add a simply reply informing us that a report has been read and passed on? What am I supposed to do to get this issue resolved?


EDIT: So now I feel totally stupid! Logged the character in-game once more, wanted to finish off setting thing's up. Want through all the Preferences, moved abilities around and then opened the Character panel. Clicked on the "Customize Appearance" button to de-select the "Show Dark Side Corruption" option, click on the "Unify Colors" button and then selected the "Hide Head Slot" option, clicked the "Apply" button at the top and oh, there's the mask I selected! :sul_embarrassed: Wasn't aware that the head slot for Miralukas defaulted to mask #1, but at least now I know there's not actually anything wrong and can just get on and play the character!

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They don't respond to bug reports. Send in a help ticket and ask customer service to give you credit for an appearance change. You might have more luck going that route.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yeah I know they don't respond to bug reports, was just venting over the frustration of never knowing what's happening.


As it happens I've figured out the problem, it was just user lack of knowledge (see my update to my previous post)! :t_redface: So, um, moving on, absolutely nothing of any interest to see here folks! This can now be closed/locked, nothing more to be done here.

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