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Getting to Know you!


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Hey Feldraeth! I love your answers :D I do remember you wrote an amazing Vette. I always liked her. I am amazed that you have no one you want to kill in KotFE, I think you're the first person I've come across that doesn't have at least one. I agree with you though, they should have made more of those planets they annihilated, like you say, we should have seen the devastation first hand to really feel it. And I do appreciate the lovely compliment! :o It means a lot, because you do enjoy battles and a do a great job with them. They're hard for me and take a long time to do. It's nice to have gotten to know more about you! ^^



OMG! It's a Jenny! *hugs* Welcome back :D It sounds to me like a good summer was had :D Except for the heat, but yay for AC! ^^ You have the same tastes in Swtor men as me, for the most part :D It's also different about wanting to be a mermaid, that's cool. I hear they're going to make a live-action The Little Mermaid, but apparently, it's not going to be like the Disney story, but like the original, which was heartbreaking. I remember it being one of the first stories to rip my heart out and hand it to me still beating on a plate. Such an incredible story. I prefer the Disney one because I like a happy ending better. Anyway, so great to see you back again! ^^

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What do you go by? frauzet, in TS I am usually called Thorns


Male or Female: Female


How many trips around the Sun have you made: 46


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose ): I am very bad with choosing favorites. They often depend on my mood.

Zash; knowing her motives, her adoration for the SI has such an evil twist.

Darth Marr with his souvereign aura of power.


Which side do you play most?: Empire


Which classes do you play most?: Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent


Favorite companions: Mako, Andronikos, Vette


Least Favorite companions: Dark Jaesa


Favorite Love interest in game: Mako, Andronikos


Least Favorite Love interest in game: Ashara, Quinn, Temple (it's more the relationships I don't like, than the chars as such)


Favorite original character to write: Thorns for quite some time now, but that, too, has varied in the past.


Favorite canon character to write: I haven't written enough canon characters to have preferences.


Least favorite canon character to write: Same as with favorite.


Favorite genre to write: Adventure


Hardest scenes to write: Don't ask me to write something funny. The outcome would be worse than my fighting scenes.


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE: Nobody. The answer might be different if you asked my chars.


Favorite colour: Colorful


Favorite star wars race: Ingame Mirialans fascinate me most, although I have more human chars than Mirialans.


If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?: cheese sandwich with tomatoes, and onions; casserole with various vegetables, potatoes, and tenderloin; fruit salad; chicken soup; dark chocolate


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live?: Voss


Who would you like to see added as a companion?: Master Somminick Timmns. Ciner would have loved to take him along after Belsavis.


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain?: The antihero.


How much time have you spent playing SWTOR?: Too much! I've been playing since release. There may have been a short pause in my sub somewhere in between, but I can't even remember. Due to circumstances I spend most of my evenings at home, and those I rather spend playing than watching TV.


SWTOR pet peeves: Some of the UIs are in dire need of some improvement. The GTN for instance. Guild management is still dreadful.


What does everyone like to do when they are not playing or writing about SwtoR?: Cinema, gardening, reading


If you could choose another world to live in which one would it be?: I am not sure the family could agree on one, so we'd probably stay where we are.

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Hey Frauzet :D I'm glad you decided to play! I loved your answers and agree with you about the UIs needing some updates, they're pretty frightful really, especially the GTN. I'm amazed at the amount of love I'm seeing for Master Timmns. I pretty much wanted to strangle that guy whenever I encountered him lol. He's such a troll.


And I am looking forward to more Thorns and Ciner! ^^

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Hopefully back to posting (slightly) more frequently after a bit of an absence :)


What do you go by? Depending on the site, Mirdthestrill, Mird, CleverMird, Ashfire, and AshfireMage. And of course, I often answer to my rp characters' names while rping.


Male or Female: Female


How many trips around the Sun have you made: 20


Who is your favorite canon character/NPC/non-companion (Choose up to 5 cause some of us can't choose )


I know there are some, but I'm totally drawing a blank on names right now :p I guess Orgus Din is pretty awesome.

Which side do you play most? I think I'm about even.


Which classes do you play most? I've probably logged the most hours into my Jedi Sage (as my oldest char) and my Sith Inquisitor (as probably my favorite)


Favorite companions: In no particular order, Torian, Kira, Elara, Andronikos, and Corso


Least Favorite companions: I don't have Skadge yet, so I can't actually say him, but I'm not a fan of Gault (mostly because of how the game forces him on you, I might have at least given him a chance otherwise), Sgt. Rusk, or Bowdaar. Although I don't think I can say I truly hate any of them.


Favorite Love interest in game: I've only completely finished one of them (Iresso), but it was pretty sweet. And I loved Torian when I started him on an old BH.

Least Favorite Love interest in game: See above. I guess if I went anywhere, I'd say that I'd like to try Doc's romance on someone at some point, but I can't see Eyrie being interested in him.


Favorite original character to write: Kiran, hands down. If we're not counting PCs, I'm actually rather fond of Cato


Favorite canon character to write: Corso and Darth Zash


Least favorite canon character to write: I don't really "get" Gus or how to write for him, same with Satele Shan. And even though I like Vette as a character, I struggle with her perspective (Feldraeth, help me!). Maybe it's because Karanni's spent most of her time with her telling her to shut up and using her shock collar.


Favorite genre to write: Angst. Romance is fun, too and I have a ridiculous love of descriptions


Hardest scenes to write: I'm going to echo everyone who said fight scenes, as well as scenes where large amounts of information are supposed to be conveyed without much else going on


Who do you want to kill most from KotFE: Haven't actually started KotFE yet, so jury's still out


Favorite colour: Just to stick on things? A nice mellow green. To wear? Black, grey, and wine red. I also have a thing for hoods, long coats, and floor-length skirts, so maybe I should just become a Sith ;)


Favorite star wars race: Miraluka

If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would you pick?


Salad (you can make a salad out of almost anything, so it's kind of cheating)

Fruit smoothies



Chocolate chip cookies (but only mom's homemade)


Not so much because these are my favorite things ever, but because I feel like it would result in a reasonably balanced diet with decent variety.


You can live anywhere you want in the galaxy, where do you live? Alderaan, obviously long pre-Death Star


Who would you like to see added as a companion? I wish that we could have gotten that Twi'lek guy the inquisitor meets at the academy when they're scouting Xalek. That, or taken on Zash's apprentices after she died.


And...what do you prefer, hero or villain? I'm gonna have to go with villain!


How much time have you spent playing SWTOR? Since a couple months after launch. I level very slowly


SWTOR Pet Peeves: Not being able to find a decent guild that stays together long enough is my biggest one


What do I do when I'm not playing or writing about SWTOR? Too much! (which is why I haven't been doing much of either lately). Schoolwork, mostly, as well as working, research, and my student org. If I have time after that, it's drawing, writing on my original projects, cooking, working on cosplay, Dungeons and Dragons, online rp, or anime. Wow, that was a mouthfull. Let's just leave it at "too much"


If I could choose another world to live in, what would it be? Narnia. I was eternally disappointed by not having a wardrobe in my house as a child. Also, I'd love to go to Rivendale.

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Hey Mird! Welcome back :D I think I remember a story about Orgus Din and Bella Kiwiiks being together, I think it was yours, I really liked that pairing. I think if you had Skadge you'd find him a lot more repellant than Gault. Both get foisted onto to our crews, but Gault, while tricky is at least charming and funny. And I do agree with you about Gus and Satele being difficult to write (I don't get them either), I don't even think I'd want to undertake Gus and you're right, Feldraeth does an awesome Vette. ^^ I'm glad you decided to post on this! :)
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