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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, Please Cut Down on "Female Versions" of Outfits


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{EDIT: I also feel compelled to point out that this thread's title is misleading. The title implies that Zanya wants EA/BW to "cut down" on the female garb, when, in reality, Zanya believes that the girl-clothes have been "cut down" too much, leaving exposed midriffs and other inherently wicked things.}


Umm, thanks, but I don't need some dude to mansplain what I really mean when I'm literally standing right here in the thread I created. I'm more than capable of speaking for myself.


And there is nothing misleading about the title. It's exactly what it says on the tin. I want the dev team to either get rid of the skinshow versions of these outfits, or even better (if less likely) give players a toggle where they can choose for themselves. My character isn't here for anyone to stroke their lightsaber to and I don't care if anyone thinks they're "hot". They're not there for anyone's benefit but my own.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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{So, you want to dress your hot-Goth-chick Sorceress like a dude? :confused:}

Most women don't exactly dress in this kind of clothing outside of going to the beach lol The midriff baring armors and such are more a man's idea of what would be sexy/a fantasy on a woman rather than what most women would actually want to wear (especially in battle, ouch :eek:). You're free to dress your female characters in the slave bikinis and midriff baring (but still randomly hooded?) robes, and luckily women and men who want a more believable female character have waaaay more options than we did when the game first came out and people who want their male characters to wear a skimpy outfit can now as well :D I do also wish they would cut back on the unnecessary giant shoulder pads, backpack attachments, random useless tubes and bits stuck to the armors, etc...I see so many sets of armor that I think would be perfect if it weren't for some random pointless attachment.


Also I don't know if English is your second language so I will just assume and explain: when someone says they want to "cut back on" or "cut down on" something it doesn't mean they literally want to cut it smaller as you would a tree, they mean they want to reduce that thing in number and/or frequency. Ex: cut back on smoking means you want to smoke less, cut down on unemployment means you want fewer people unemployed, etc...

Edited by Nefla
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I'm pretty sure Thoronmir was joking since he was using sarcasm brackets. ;)
{Perhaps I was totally sincere and simply used the sarcasm brackets ironically? Hmm? Ever think about that? Thought not. I don't need some Damask_Rose to step in and Damask_Rose-splain my comments when I'm standing right here in this thread ... well, maybe over there. No, to your right. Your other right! There!


As for English being my second language, I suppose that's true. I have it on good and reliable authority that my first language was Baby. That's not the sort of thing about which Mom would lie ... her drinking and Twinkie addiction, sure ... but not my native tongue. Unfortunately, no one in my family was fluent in Baby, so most of my sardonic and pithy observations in those early years went unappreciated.}


I was totally joking.:o


Edited by Thoronmir
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I was totally joking.:o


If I misjudged you and your post then I apologize. I never heard of "sarcasm brackets" in my 20 years online, but if it's a common thing and I somehow missed it then that's totally on me.


Please understand that Poe's Law is a thing, though, especially when I have randos in FPs actually take time out during cut-scenes to tell me how ugly my character looks, and then I have to decide whether I want to suck it up, laugh it off, or tell them I'm not there for them to find attractive and risk souring the mood, provoking them, or even getting vote-kicked because I'm not one of the "cool kids" (the ones that suck it up or laugh it off).


Not an excuse, just an explanation.

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Please understand that Poe's Law is a thing, though, especially when I have randos in FPs actually take time out during cut-scenes to tell me how ugly my character looks, and then I have to decide whether I want to suck it up, laugh it off, or tell them I'm not there for them to find attractive and risk souring the mood, provoking them, or even getting vote-kicked because I'm not one of the "cool kids" (the ones that suck it up or laugh it off).


Not an excuse, just an explanation.


Seems like that's what you're going for, though. I assume that from what you initially wrote. I guess you have "show dark side corruption" turned on. Either way I've found the best way to shut down someone trying to insult you is to take is as a compliment. They don't know what to do, usually they say "hey I'm trying to insult you dummy" which is an automatic win <thumbs up emoji not found>


I'm all for a "sexy toggle" for both genders. I'm big on customization and it's one of the things I find lacking in SWTOR, in character design especially. 4 body types isn't enough, and I HATE pre-rendered faces, even though my girlfriend says my Consular looks like me. And sure, there's a vast amount of outfits but they're still copied and limited and a big part of that falls on gender lines. I'd like alot of new outfit options honestly (I want my Twi'lek to wear a mask and have her lekku showing, for example) but that's beyond the score of this thread.

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Seems like that's what you're going for, though. I assume that from what you initially wrote. I guess you have "show dark side corruption" turned on. Either way I've found the best way to shut down someone trying to insult you is to take is as a compliment.


If I go with "laugh it off" on my internal dialogue wheel, I usually say, "I'm the reason Jedi wear brown robes." :cool:

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The outfits aren't all that skimpy, compared to some of the other games I play. If you ask me, the outfits, for females, in some parts, aren't skimpy enough. Before you all say that I am a misogynist, or a dude who wants to see more flesh, I actually think that the female outfits in the game could be better fitted, suited, etc. to females. I could really care less if they "cut" out parts of things to make the outfit skimpy, or not. I would rather look at something a little more skimpy than to look at something ugly all day.
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If I misjudged you and your post then I apologize. I never heard of "sarcasm brackets" in my 20 years online, but if it's a common thing and I somehow missed it then that's totally on me.


Me either, oops :o


The outfits aren't all that skimpy, compared to some of the other games I play. If you ask me, the outfits, for females, in some parts, aren't skimpy enough. Before you all say that I am a misogynist, or a dude who wants to see more flesh, I actually think that the female outfits in the game could be better fitted, suited, etc. to females. I could really care less if they "cut" out parts of things to make the outfit skimpy, or not. I would rather look at something a little more skimpy than to look at something ugly all day.


Whatever your reasons, you're definitely right that some of the outfits certainly aren't cut for the female body and end up morphing or clipping weirdly on the breasts/hips (the male characters are as bootylicious as the female characters so it's the same there :p )


I wish there were more options for people who wanted to dress their characters in a beautiful, elegant, and feminine way. Not skimpy, not BAMF and armored, just...pretty-pretty princess (or prince?) :D. I find myself going back to the same few sets over and over again when I want to make a pretty and girly froo-froo character. :(

Edited by Nefla
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Seems like that's what you're going for, though. I assume that from what you initially wrote. I guess you have "show dark side corruption" turned on. Either way I've found the best way to shut down someone trying to insult you is to take is as a compliment. They don't know what to do, usually they say "hey I'm trying to insult you dummy" which is an automatic win <thumbs up emoji not found>


I'm all for a "sexy toggle" for both genders. I'm big on customization and it's one of the things I find lacking in SWTOR, in character design especially. 4 body types isn't enough, and I HATE pre-rendered faces, even though my girlfriend says my Consular looks like me. And sure, there's a vast amount of outfits but they're still copied and limited and a big part of that falls on gender lines. I'd like alot of new outfit options honestly (I want my Twi'lek to wear a mask and have her lekku showing, for example) but that's beyond the score of this thread.


In your Odessan area, around Hylo, is a vendor that sells the Scion armor set. The helmet is just a mask that only covers the face. The Scion set is legacy bound so you can pass it along to anyone if your twi'lekk isn't there yet.

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The outfits aren't all that skimpy, compared to some of the other games I play. If you ask me, the outfits, for females, in some parts, aren't skimpy enough. Before you all say that I am a misogynist, or a dude who wants to see more flesh, I actually think that the female outfits in the game could be better fitted, suited, etc. to females. I could really care less if they "cut" out parts of things to make the outfit skimpy, or not. I would rather look at something a little more skimpy than to look at something ugly all day.

I know what you mean. It's taken me a long time to unlock the right stuff, such that I can put together outfits that feel even close to in line with the standards set by other games. Not that it's some horrific thing... some of the games that do major skimpy just kind of throw skimpy at everything, with no regard for it fitting the design of the armor well at all.


Even in this game, one comes to mind that is kind of odd... the revealing bodysuit pants are just weird to me the way they show skin. I don't even get how it's supposed to work. It seems like with all those holes cut out, they would tear the first time you did a big stride. Visually, I've yet to find a place where it doesn't look really tacky.


I wish there were more options for people who wanted to dress their characters in a beautiful, elegant, and feminine way. Not skimpy, not BAMF and armored, just...pretty-pretty princess (or prince?) :D. I find myself going back to the same few sets over and over again when I want to make a pretty and girly froo-froo character. :(

I guess this isn't really "elegant," but I keep finding myself coming back to the life day top for a casual tee kind of look. It's not quite t-shirt, but it's about as close as I've found. One of the best sets I've ever unlocked.

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In your Odessan area, around Hylo, is a vendor that sells the Scion armor set. The helmet is just a mask that only covers the face. The Scion set is legacy bound so you can pass it along to anyone if your twi'lekk isn't there yet.


Right, but then I'm limited to wearing THAT mask, and not the one I want to wear.


When I wrote that I was thinking of a particular head-hugging piece that was designated as "mask" that I had recently been trying on. I should've said headgear to generalize that all helmets, masks, hoods, etc should allow for Twi'leks' lekku to be seen. But again, beyond the scope of this thread.

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