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Where to start?


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So, I've started a Sith Warrior as part of a duo, but I was going to make another character to play alone, and since everything past the initial class storyline is the same, we wanted to do the expansion on our own first, and then again with the duo.


I'm trying to decide what my main "outlander" character will be, and I'm trying to figure out what might "fit." I've poked around google and the forums and a lot of post recommend a Force-user, but I wanted to see what everyone thinks in 2016.


I'm trying to dodge spoilers, but I do know you become some sort of commander of an "alliance." Screams Trooper to me, but I''m not so sure I'm reading into it right. Is there a general consensus surrounding the KotFE storyline, especially for a first time player?

Edited by Breidr
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CAVEAT: a lot of this is my opinion, and as such, it is worth little more than the paper it is printed on. (Hint: it isn't printed on paper, unless you hit File|Print... in your browser, and even then, that puts its value at little more than a couple of cents.)


You're likely to get a lot of people saying that the story makes no sense unless you play a Force user, and some even go so far as to say that only the JK makes sense.


From Chapter XII on, there is some pseudo-mystical (...) going on that doesn't make a whole lot of sense if the Outlander is totally not Force-sensitive. There are hints of ... something ... in the Force for Republic non-Jedi characters in the introduction to the Taral V flashpoint, so it is possible to head-canon enough of a link to finagle them into it. I haven't found anything like that for the IA and BH, though.


My first play-through of KotFE was on an insta-60 Sorcerer that I created using my free token, a sort of dry-run to see what it was like. My second was a Trooper, in effect my main, who has done the whole thing, and has recruited all the companions offered by the story and its alerts so far, except one.


Skadge, duh



As for the Alliance Commander thing, well, as I see it, Dark Side smugglers (or, indeed, any smuggler who picks certain options at the end of the base class story) don't make sense for that, or even for doing anything with Shadow of Revan, much less KotFE. You can make a similar (but perhaps weaker) case for certain options for the Imperial Agent and the Bounty Hunter. The Jedi and Sith classes suit it well, for different reasons.


The JK and SW are natural leaders, although the SW is a bit of a loner. The JC is a member of the Jedi Council, and the SI is a member of the Dark Council, so both are obvious candidates for Alliance Commander, although of a different nature than the other classes would be.


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That's a bit of a shame. Everything I've looked into says the expansion makes much more sense if you are force sensitive, but I was trying to avoid playing a force user.


I've tried getting into the Jedi classes, but they just don't click for me. As Han Solo said "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side kid."

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It made sense for my IA as she was a double agent but wouldn't go through with attacks on the empire so she sympathized with both sides. She was in the best position to lead the alliance. The rest of the force stuff is simply a temporary privilege from Valkorian. I had her refuse his powers so she never used them.
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